Thank You, Lord, for Your Holiness

Thank You, Lord, for Your Holiness

I pre-ordered Jackie Hill Perry’s latest book, Holier Than Thou, as soon as I heard about it. I knew I would like it and I did. JHP, as I affectionately call her, is one of my favorite people to learn from. She is unfussy, poetic, truthful, and not once has she called me her “friend,” which I find altogether endearing and hard to find amongst female Christian authors. (No offense, I just have never met these people so I don’t know why they call me their friend when I’m just trying to read their books.)

Thank You, Lord, for Your Generosity

Thank You, Lord, for Your Generosity

Have you ever been the recipient of something beautifully simple, of which you never expected to receive? I have. It was the dress my sister bought for me when my bank account was literally in the negative. It was the joy of seeing the second bowl of watery potato soup my first ever house guests partook in. It was the bouquet of flowers from my family delivered to my office on the day I resigned from the job I loved. It was a kind message from an old friend after he read my vulnerable Instagram post. It was the picture my dad took of me on the beach that made me feel special amid the couples’ photo sessions.

Thank You, Lord, for Your ______________

Thank You, Lord, for Your ______________

Happy Fall, Y’all!! The temperatures are cooling off, mums are blooming, pumpkins are on display, and the holiday season is upon us. As much as I love spring and the promise of new life, I also love autumn and all its richness of color, pageantry, and celebration of holiday tradition. Today, we are past Halloween, and it is time to turn our thoughts toward Thanksgiving.

God Loves A Cheerful Receiver

God Loves A Cheerful Receiver

Christians should be familiar with the call to be servants, right? 2 Corinthians 9:7 tells us “God loves a cheerful giver,” while Acts 20:35 admonishes “It is better to give than to receive.” It requires selflessness and sacrifice to be a giver. Let’s be people who give as the Lord has given so much to us. But, when we talk about receiving or asking for help, I can get a little squirmy. Who wants to be in a position where they need to ask for help? I’m sure you can think of a time you were in that spot. Christian community must do more than give; they must also be willing to receive.

The Joy of Serving

The Joy of Serving

I have been impacted by so many faithful servants of Jesus. I grew up in a small church in Kansas where everyone felt like family and as a child I felt constantly cared for in my church. It often had to do with food. I’ll never forget Maxine’s homemade bread, Darlene’s coffee cake, and Charlene’s cinnamon rolls. It wasn’t always the deep theological discussions that were the most impactful (although important), but it was experiencing their love and joy in serving Jesus. It was evident that the love of Jesus overflowed from them, spurring them on towards love and good deeds (Hebrews 10:24).

Do Good & Share With Others: An Interview Narrative Between Two Friends Serving Together at Council Road

Do Good & Share With Others: An Interview Narrative Between Two Friends Serving Together at Council Road

Shelby Moore placed her McDonald’s breakfast burrito and coffee on the table, looking across at her good friend Frankie Frasier. Shelby kindly interrupted one of Frankie’s classic humorously woven tales to say, “Frankie, would you like to pray for our breakfast?” Frankie, being slightly hard of hearing, nodded at Shelby and continued to blaze through this unscripted, yet brilliantly worded story. Another attempt from Shelby to refocus Frankie, “Yes, but Frankie, shouldn’t we pray over our breakfast?”

How to Avoid Serving at Church

How to Avoid Serving at Church

Pssst, over here. Hey! You there! Person who isn’t quite sure where they fit in when it comes to serving at our church, I’m talking to you! I am here to secretly fill you in on a few things behind the scenes. You see, I live with 2 of our CRBC staff members. Tough, I know. Makenzie Magnus is my sister (and landlord) and Hannah Hanzel lives in the room across from me in our upstairs “Tenet’s Quarters',' as we affectionately call it. A girl hears things and learns things living day-in and day-out with two church staff members and I’m here to spill the beans. Wondering how to get out of serving at our church? I got you.

Coffee & Friends

Coffee & Friends

Millenials have turned coffee shops into the place you go for everything: business meetings, first dates, friend dates, devotional time, study time, interviews, and more. Of course, all generations can enjoy time in a coffee shop. We would like to encourage you to use this “coffee shop for everything” idea to invite someone you don’t really know to coffee. Bonding over coffee (or tea for the non-coffee crowd!) is a great way to build a friendship or relationship with someone.