I love our church and our passion for ministry inside and outside the walls of the church. I love that we support so many local and global ministries. I am blessed to be the CEO at House of Healing, one of the local ministries our church supports through monthly giving. Financial support like this makes it possible for us to serve our community the way we do. Support through prayer keeps us aligned to the Gospel mission. Volunteers that come alongside us weekly to mentor and share the gospel with our young people help make a lasting impact in their lives.
Loving Others Outside Our Walls
If you have been around Council Road for long, you have surely noticed the great variety and diversity of ministries highlighted on Sunday mornings, as well as the myriad of ways you can get involved. From serving preschool and children to tutoring Whiz Kids, going on mission trips, teaching English, making quilts for the home and hospital-bound, or serving the homeless population - these are just a sampling of ways to work alongside our CRBC family. And these opportunities are not merely “random acts of kindness.”
From Identity to Eternity: A Gospel-Centered Life
Every single morning on my drive into work, I pass by two rather large cemeteries. On one side of the road, the expansive acreage reveals the tombstones and epitaphs of people who are now on the other side of eternity. Next to that cemetery is a large retirement community of those who have already lived the majority of their lives. I always thought it was a strange juxtaposition to have that community overlooking the two cemeteries. As I drive past, it’s pretty typical to see funerals being conducted in various areas of the grounds. I often see other loved ones coming back to the graves of their departed friends and family members, usually leaving a wreath, flowers, or something that they would have loved. I tell you all of this not to be dark, macabre, or insensitive, but to share that God has brought me a new perspective with this daily drive.
Read With Me - Yes, You Can Still Join!
As you may have heard, our church is following a year-long reading plan through the New Testament in 2025. Our daily Bible readings will intersect with some of the teachings from our pastors on Sunday mornings, as they also emphasize the New Testament church this year. We are almost one month through! Jump in with us!
Be A Witness
If you grew up in church like me, you may have vivid memories of Wednesday night visitation times, going door to door telling the people in the community about Jesus, or even Sunday night discipleship classes learning how to share the Gospel. I remember watching the adults I was with seem so comfortable doing this and thinking I would never be able to share Jesus like they do. Or, maybe you didn’t grow up around that and feel ill prepared to share your faith. Or, maybe you are new to your own walk with God and don’t think you have anything worthwhile to share with others yet because you are just now learning it all yourself.
Biblical Foundations for Emotional Health
God has masterfully crafted us as beings that are comprised of a physical body and a spiritual nature. Within those two components are various additional aspects such as our mind, spirit/soul, and emotional state. In Hebrew thought, our very center of being in which everything (emotions, thoughts, behaviors, etc.) flows out from is our levav or lev (Heb. heart). It seems that when the Lord explains we are to love Him with all our heart, all our soul, and all our strength, He connects our worship holistically (Deuteronomy 6:5). As part of our nature, God has given us the gift of feeling and expressing emotion to Him, others, and to ourselves. We see that God does not express Himself as a cold, marble statue that is unfeeling and robotic, but rather the Scriptures reveal His joy for us, His grief, His righteous anger, and His merciful compassion on us (Luke 15:10; Genesis 6:6; Romans 1:18; Matthew 9:36). As His image bearers, we too share in this ability, albeit not a perfect ability, to have and express emotion.
Emotional Health Matters
There I sat with my Bible in hand, but all I could do was cry to God that I needed help. I had a stack of Bible studies. I had the dedicated time to sit with God. I had all the journals to help track what I was learning. But I couldn’t get past the emotions it took for me to engage in that Bible study with God when, emotionally, I was a wreck.
Holistic Health
As we focus this month on nurturing our whole selves - physical, emotional, and spiritual - I would argue that the spiritual is most important. It is the place from which all others will flow. As Proverbs reminds us, “Guard your heart above all else, for it is the source of life” (Proverbs 4:23, CSB).