
Caring for Your Physical Body

Caring for Your Physical Body

How do we physically take care of our body well? That is a question many women find themselves thinking about often.  1 Corinthians 6:19-20 says, “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.” A verse heard commonly. What does that mean exactly? 

A Healthy Mindset

A Healthy Mindset

This is my year to be healthy! Does that sound familiar to you? I have declared that many times, yet I haven’t always (ok, hardly ever) reached or followed through with my health goals. I’m guessing many of you reading will admit that you are not the most disciplined in this area either; whether you are or not, please keep reading!

Pilates and Pancakes: A Balanced Perspective

Pilates and Pancakes: A Balanced Perspective

September 26 is National Pancake (i.e. hotcake, griddle cake, flapjack) Day. Not sure who decides these national and international obscure food holidays, but I would love to hug their necks. Who am I to go against what those who have gone before me and deemed worthy of celebrating? I say hand me a whisk and some Maple syrup and point me to the griddle. 

Beautiful Mission: An Interview with Makenzie Magnus

Beautiful Mission: An Interview with Makenzie Magnus

Many churches across our nation set aside one Sunday in November to bring awareness to the world orphan crisis. Orphan Sunday was this past week, so I sat down with our Minister of Missions, Makenzie Magnus, to discuss innovative ways Oklahomans can care for families connected to foster care and adoption.

Beautiful Remission: An Interview with Suzy Biggs

Beautiful Remission: An Interview with Suzy Biggs

My absolute favorite stories are God stories. You know, those moments when He without question shows up in our circumstance, offering evidence of His presence with grace, peace, hope, and comfort. If we…