Have you ever seen God turn what seemed like a small idea into something so wildly wonderful that only He could be responsible? You will if you come shop at The Gift Goes On, Council Road’s beloved purchasing-for-a-purpose event on November 19th! But to fully appreciate its wonder, you should hear how far it has come from where it began.
Once and Again: Our Advent Season
Advent is a special season. Through lighting candles, Advent calendars, Bible reading plans, nativity scenes and more, we celebrate Advent by reflecting on Christ’s birth and His second coming. Our savior came once, in the birth of Christ. And He will come again, in the second coming described in Revelation.
Jen Wilkin and John 15
How Did You Get Jen Wilkin?
On Tuesday, August 8th, a lovely thing will be happening for CRBC Women: Jen Wilkin will be the featured speaker at our annual Women’s Ministry Fall Launch! Ever since word got out that one of our nation’s premier Bible teachers is coming to CRBC, I have been asked one question: How did you get Jen Wilkin?
Early Christmas Shopping? Yes, Please!
Listen up, ladies, I’ve got the shopping scoop for you! By now, you know to expect The Gift Goes On in November each year (on the 19th this year, to be exact). And I’m sure you are marking your calendars and anticipating the incredible, purchasing-with-a-purpose event where you can literally check off most items on your list, all in one night, setting the stage for less stress and more peace during the Christmas season. Woo hoo!
What The Gospel Was Made To Do
Celebrating What God Has Done: Launch Party Continues!
Let The Celebration Continue: Come To Our Fall Launch Party
We’ve had a lot of fun focusing our July blog posts on celebrating! From Hannah Hanzel’s Third Culture Kid perspective on America to Makenzie Magnus’ fresh and thought-provoking takes on Celebrate Your Geekness…