Tutoring English

Tutoring English

Me, a writer? But here I am, putting my thoughts on paper. It never ceases to amaze me at how God weaves our lives together. Through the twists and turns, things rarely make sense until you look back and see the beauty of the journey. I have always had a heart for working with internationals. However, my husband and I had been foster parents for the last six years and weren’t really in a place to do much with an international ministry. So after six years, we felt that God was moving us into something new. 

My Experience With Safe Families

My Experience With Safe Families

Being a part of a church that has a heart for not only ministering to the people inside it’s walls, but also reaching the people outside of it is such a gift. I am so thankful that Council Road is passionate about sharing the Good News of Jesus in our community and across the world. There are so many wonderful organizations that we partner with that help this happen, but one I want to highlight is Safe Families. Safe Families for Children surrounds families facing a crisis with caring, compassionate communities. Their mission statement reads, “Safe Families for Children hosts vulnerable children and creates extended family–like support for families through a community of devoted volunteers who are motivated by compassion to keep children safe and families together.”

Living Out The Gospel Outside the Walls of the Church Building

Living Out The Gospel Outside the Walls of the Church Building

I love our church and our passion for ministry inside and outside the walls of the church. I love that we support so many local and global ministries. I am blessed to be the CEO at House of Healing, one of the local ministries our church supports through monthly giving. Financial support like this makes it possible for us to serve our community the way we do. Support through prayer keeps us aligned to the Gospel mission. Volunteers that come alongside us weekly to mentor and share the gospel with our young people help make a lasting impact in their lives. 

Why English Classes at Council Road?

Why English Classes at Council Road?

My first experience with English Classes as a ministry began in 2005. My two-year-old daughter met a girl from South Korea on the playground, so I naturally met her Mom. I invited them to attend a local ministry that offered free English classes, as well as other classes for internationals who could already speak English well. I had no idea this would be the beginning of a 20 year journey of exciting ministry!

Be A Witness

Be A Witness

If you grew up in church like me, you may have vivid memories of Wednesday night visitation times, going door to door telling the people in the community about Jesus, or even Sunday night discipleship classes learning how to share the Gospel. I remember watching the adults I was with seem so comfortable doing this and thinking I would never be able to share Jesus like they do. Or, maybe you didn’t grow up around that and feel ill prepared to share your faith. Or, maybe you are new to your own walk with God and don’t think you have anything worthwhile to share with others yet because you are just now learning it all yourself.

A "Sure" Thing

A "Sure" Thing

It matters how we’re asked to be a part of something. There’s a difference between asking someone, “Hey, do you want to go into a packed Nicaraguan jail and share the Gospel?” versus asking, “Hey, did you hear about the informational meeting about the mission trip to Central America?” There’s a difference between asking someone, “Will you put your schedule on hold unexpectedly today, pick up some Braum’s, and sit in a median to eat breakfast with a homeless man?” versus asking, “Have you noticed the homeless people on the drive to church every Sunday?”

Celebrate Recovery's 20th Anniversary at CRBC

Celebrate Recovery's 20th Anniversary at CRBC

Pastor Rick:  When I arrived at Council Road 20 years ago, one of the first new ministries I wanted to implement was Celebrate Recovery. It was a relatively new ministry in Oklahoma, and one that was badly needed. Oklahoma is located in a prime position geographically for drug and human trafficking—right in the middle of the United States where three major interstates criss-cross. The poverty level is also a problem. Both play into a high dependence on drugs and alcohol.

After getting to know the staff, I knew who the perfect person would be to head up our new chapter of Celebrate Recovery: Sue Ellen Ferguson. She had the perfect combination of leadership, creativity, grace and mercy, and a disarming smile, not to mention her own story of recovery. Some people thought I was crazy, as she was serving as the leader of the Women’s Ministry at the time. But I knew she was the perfect person to take on this new endeavor.