My Experience With Safe Families

Being a part of a church that has a heart for not only ministering to the people inside its walls, but also reaching the people outside of it is such a gift. I am so thankful that Council Road is passionate about sharing the Good News of Jesus in our community and across the world. There are so many wonderful organizations that we partner with that help this happen, but one I want to highlight is Safe Families. Safe Families for Children surrounds families facing a crisis with caring, compassionate communities. Their mission statement reads, “Safe Families for Children hosts vulnerable children and creates extended family–like support for families through a community of devoted volunteers who are motivated by compassion to keep children safe and families together.”

This past summer, my husband, Eric, and I felt the Lord speaking to us about what it could look like to step into supporting families and children in our community by temporarily hosting kiddos in our home. Our mind immediately went to foster care because this was the only option we knew of. We began praying and asking the Lord to provide clarity and open doors for what the next right step would be. We knew from scripture that God’s heart is for the widow, the orphan, and the oppressed. 

“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” James 1:27

On a Sunday morning last Fall, Safe Families came to one of our Worship services and shared some about who they are and how to get involved. Eric and I both felt extremely confident that this was the next right step for us. There are plenty of different ways to be involved with Safe Families - you can be a Host Family, which involves hosting children in your home for a time period while supporting parents in whatever tasks they are needing to get done for themselves and their family. There are also roles of support that involve occasionally checking in on host families and the families receiving support, getting to help babysit, or even providing practical needs to the host homes. 

Eric and I spent the next month attending training and getting our home ready for welcoming kiddos! In December, we officially got approved to be a Host Family and we were so excited! We took in our first hosting in late January and got to spend almost 2 weeks with two precious babies! I think we would both say that it was some of the hardest weeks we have ever experienced, but extremely sanctifying and a beautiful reminder of the Lord’s provision and faithfulness. It humbled us, reminding us that we are nothing without Jesus, and that He alone is our strength. It also allowed us to have a tangible reminder of the Father heart of God. By getting to care for small children who were relying on us for every need, and being ready to provide for those needs in any way possible, we got to closely see the picture of how we are to  depend on the Lord for each and every need, know that He is our provider, and that He delights in providing for His children. We were constantly reminded that just because something is hard, doesn’t mean that it’s the wrong thing. 

We also got to witness the beauty of our community and experienced so much support from countless members of our church. It was so beautiful to see the Church operating in the way that the Lord intends it to. It was a true reminder that we are not made to do this life alone and we are so grateful for the family that we have gained through our time at Council Road. 

I could go on and on about the experience and I know that there will only be more opportunities for us to be humbled, sanctified, and to create fun memories as we continue walking through the doors the Lord opens through Safe Families. I hope that as we reflect this month on ways to serve outside the walls of Council Road, that you would pray and ask the Lord to lead you and give you a heart of surrendered obedience to whatever He has for you! It may not always be the easiest thing or be anything like you’d expect, but it’s always worth it because HE is worth it!


Meet the Author!

My name is Chloe Wall and I married my bestie, Eric Wall in July 2023! We have a sweet dog named pepper and are absolutely obsessed with her! I am a wedding photographer and a big fan of being outside, reading, coffee runs, listening to my favorite music (anything taylor swift!!), family time and watching movies with a candle lit! Most of all, I love Jesus and am so thankful for the wonderful gifts He has provided in my life. I am so thankful for Council Road and love getting to walk alongside my husband and the sweet people here as we do life together!