My first experience with English Classes as a ministry began in 2005. My two-year-old daughter met a girl from South Korea on the playground, so I naturally met her Mom. I invited them to attend a local ministry that offered free English classes, as well as other classes for internationals who could already speak English well. I had no idea this would be the beginning of a 20 year journey of exciting ministry!
When I first started volunteering with the ministry, I was in my 6th month of pregnancy with my 3rd daughter. God was stretching me (literally—physically lol, and in many ways–spiritually, socially) to begin something new in this busy season of my life. I began by teaching the Bible class for 9 years. I then directed English Classes for 5 years. In 2020, I became the director of the ministry where ladies from over 40 countries have attended since 1976. Through these 20 years, I also had the privilege of beginning another church-based English Ministry, have taught English workshops to equip volunteers to begin ministries since 2011 and have watched countless lives changed through these ministries.
Last month while Christmas shopping at Hobby Lobby, I talked to the cashier who had attended our ministry several years ago. It was a joy to see how God had used her improved English to allow her to get a good job. She was so appreciative of the help she had received and asked how the ministry was doing. She not only learned English, but experienced community with other internationals and love shown by the volunteers.
Many students through the years have asked, “Why do you volunteer?” I’ve gotten to share how my relationship with Jesus compels me to love. The gospel comes alive when demonstrated in such a practical way. Some of the same students have become dear friends of mine. Even though they share a different faith and culture, we continue to grow deeper. One friend from Morocco whom I have known since 2010 invited me to visit her family in Morocco with her. After years of friendship and having her family come to my house, my husband and I finally traveled to her home town to meet all of her and her husband’s extended family.
When I began working at Council Road Baptist Church in April 2024, I gave up my director role with the ministry. Looking at where God has planted Council Road, I quickly realized the need for an English Classes ministry right here! Through prayer, a great leadership team, excited volunteers, and the support of CRBC, we launched our Council Road English Classes program January 15, 2025.
What has God’s love compelled you to do? Are you willing to be stretched when God asks you to step out of your comfort zone?
We can still use volunteers for Council Road English Classes! We need administrative help, childcare workers, help with snacks, transportation, teaching or assisting in English classes . We will find a place for you, if God wants to stretch you in this area. If you want to volunteer, contact me at
Meet the author!
Stacy Neuschaefer not only is the Director of Missions at CRBC, but she is also a wife, mom of three young adult daughters (ages 23, 21, and 18), writer, speaker, occasional physical therapist, and most recently, her new role as mother-in-law. She loves to spend time with family and friends, many of whom are international women. She can also be found on the pickleball court or planning a family or mission trip.