As you may have heard, our church is following a year-long reading plan through the New Testament in 2025. Our daily Bible readings will intersect with some of the teachings from our pastors on Sunday mornings, as they also emphasize the New Testament church this year. We are almost one month through! Jump in with us!
“Why should I be part of a community Bible reading plan?,” you may be asking. That’s a great question - I’m glad you asked! ;) As Hebrews 3:13 instructs us, we are called to “encourage one another daily, as long as it is called ‘Today,’ so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness.”
This is not the first time our church has followed a YouVersion plan, reading scripture daily. In 2020 we read through the entire Bible together. Before Covid struck the world and we knew how much we would need this virtual community, God put on our pastor’s heart to unite us through the Bible app. Being part of a community Bible reading plan during that specific time in history was incredibly important for our church body, however, the lessons learned are just as applicable today. Here are some ways my life has been made richer by reading scripture with others:
Community is the heartbeat of our culture at Council Road, flowing into every ministry. It makes a big worship space feel “smaller” when we see familiar faces. It bonds people together inside and outside of our walls. And it’s what I feel when I see the names of church members who are reading and commenting on the same daily passage that I just read; in that moment I feel the community of our church family right there in my living room. I love the fact that even our brothers and sisters in Christ who live in other countries are reading with us!
After I read the daily scripture, I look over the comments from those who also read it. I don’t always read every one, but each day I am encouraged by many comments from our church community. Whether by conviction, a new perspective or a prayer penned, my heart is filled up as I read the words of our church family. Personally, I love the fact that I am digitally connected to some that I may never have a chance to see in person or otherwise learn from. I think this is social media at its finest.
Prayer Support & Requests
An unexpected blessing I have received from the reading plan has been the opportunity to pray for specific requests as they are shared on the platform. Recently, one of my closest friends shared a personal request in her daily reflection, and I was able to pray right then, before she even had the chance to share that situation with me. I have been humbled and honored to read the requests, praises and words of worship that come from the hearts of our church members, uniting us in spirit from wherever we sit.
Lastly, an expected benefit of studying the Bible together is the “positive peer pressure.” Whether going through a Bible study, or a digital or physical Bible reading plan, knowing others are committed holds me accountable to read with them. Scripture is full of promises and exhortations concerning who we surround ourselves with, and the fruit that comes from “walking with the wise” (Proverbs 13:20, Psalm 1). Reading together is not an act of ‘checking the box each day,’ but rather, we are called to “spur one another on towards love and good deeds” (Hebrews 10:24), as humble, teachable and faithful followers of Jesus.
I’m confident your life will also be made richer by reading Scripture with other people. Go to and join the approximately 600 other CRBC members who are reading God’s Word together. Read with me!
Meet the Author!
Heather McAnear is a wife, mom, author and speaker with a passion for sharing God's truth to help women understand their uniquely beautiful design and how to use it for God's glory! In fact, Heather hosts the Uniquely Beautiful Stories podcast on iTunes in hopes do just that! She loves teaching young married couples with her husband, time with her three teen-aged & young adult children, traveling, enjoying good chocolate and long conversations in coffee shops. CRBC has been her church home for more than two decades and serving on the Women's Ministry team has been one of her greatest joys!