
Thank You, Lord, for Your Generosity

Thank You, Lord, for Your Generosity

Have you ever been the recipient of something beautifully simple, of which you never expected to receive? I have. It was the dress my sister bought for me when my bank account was literally in the negative. It was the joy of seeing the second bowl of watery potato soup my first ever house guests partook in. It was the bouquet of flowers from my family delivered to my office on the day I resigned from the job I loved. It was a kind message from an old friend after he read my vulnerable Instagram post. It was the picture my dad took of me on the beach that made me feel special amid the couples’ photo sessions.

Live Simply, Give Generously

Live Simply, Give Generously

Hopefully by now, you have heard that this year’s Missions Month is going to be a bit different because it falls right in the middle of Lent! Our mission theme of “Live Simply, Give Generously” is a perfect fit as the Lenten season already calls us to simplify our lives in some way so that we can deepen our attention to the cross…

Faith and Finances: An Interview with CPA Julie Hardell

Faith and Finances: An Interview with CPA Julie Hardell

Meet my friend, Julie Hardell. We share a deep love for many things—our church and serving there, the ocean, a circle of girlfriends we’ve shared for more years than either of us prefer to admit, and the birthday month of March. One of my favorite memories with Julie is of us chasing dolphins on paddle boards in the ocean. But there is one thing we do not share and that is Julie’s gorgeous head for numbers.