
How to Celebrate Six Feet Away

How to Celebrate Six Feet Away

As I write this, It’s week four of social distancing for us and week one of social distancing from grandparents. For me this means no childcare (insert crazy face emoji), no breaks, almost no naps, prepping for potty training (tomorrow = panties) and needing to focus on my business but not being able to. These are some crazy times!

Five Loaves and Two Chickens Cross the Road

Five Loaves and Two Chickens Cross the Road

I placed the five loaves of specialty bread in the brown paper sacks with the five personalized cards to match. This is a great idea. With my introverted housemate, Mary, in tow we crossed the street. Twenty feet began to feel like a mile as I grew fearful. I couldn’t help but think of how appropriate the comparison would be of her and I to the Chicken that crossed the road in the well known joke. Why did we two chickens cross the road? To reach our neighbors during a pandemic…

Pursuing Peace in a Panicking World

Pursuing Peace in a Panicking World

It’s amazing how quickly things can change. Just a few months ago, I had never heard of the COVID-19, yet today it has become a household threat. Honestly, I’ve never seen our nation so full of fear. With the presence of 24-hour information via social media and news sources, anxiety seems to be amping up at record speed.