Pursuing Peace in a Panicking World


It’s amazing how quickly things can change. Just a few months ago, I had never heard of the COVID-19, yet today it has become a household threat. Honestly, I’ve never seen our nation so full of fear. With the presence of 24-hour information via social media and news sources, anxiety seems to be amping up at record speed. 

Don’t get me wrong, this virus is a very real concern and we should all be aware, informed and wise in how we respond, yet somehow peaceful even in the midst of national panic. Easier said than done? Yes, but it is possible. As believers in Jesus, our perspective should be different than the rest of the world. It is precisely in times like this where our faith can have a real impact on those around us. 

So how can we pursue peace in times of panic? 

Stay informed. 

Commit to one or two trusted news sources and check in a couple of times a day. Don’t give into the temptation to constantly refresh your feed or stalk every news source, diving into information overload. Your mind will become consumed and the constant barrage of “bad news” will take hold of your thoughts. 

Be wise. 

There are basic precautions every person should follow during times when illness is spreading, so follow those. 

  • Wash your hands thoroughly and often. (Soap + warm water for the amount of time it takes to sing “Happy Birthday” in your head - or out loud if you feel confident!)

  • Sanitize your hands after touching community areas like grocery stores, restaurants and gas pumps. 

  • For the time being, no handshakes or hugs. Use fist bumps and a big smile to greet one another. 

  • Limit social interactions and gatherings until the spread of the virus has subsided. 

  • If you or a family member are high risk, stay at home and stay healthy!

Be prepared. 

At a time like this, good nutrition is more important than ever. Keep your body strong and able to fight off viruses (which God created it to do). Feed on foods that make you stronger, rather than high sugars, processed foods and salt.  No need to go crazy, but make sure you have things on hand like healthy broths, veggies and herbal teas that will build up your immune system, should you get sick. Remember, the majority of people who contract the coronavirus will fight it off like the flu or a cold. Stay calm, monitor your symptoms, stay at home secluded and resting, nourish your body and use over-the-counter medication accordingly. 

Have a plan. 

At this point, it appears a quarantine of some type has been implemented. Churches, social events, restaurants and schools are closed, and new restrictions are added daily. A quarantine period could reduce or slow the spread of COVID-19 and help those at greatest health risk. It’s best to have a personal plan. Life.Church Pastor, Craig Groeschel, was quarantined for 14 days and shared on an instagram video his quarantine recommendations. He experienced an increase in anxiety the first couple of days, as his thoughts centered on the negative. Having a daily plan, including exercise, stepping onto the porch to get outside air, eating well, reading, connecting with the “outside world” using technology and spending time in scripture kept his mind on the positive rather than the negative. Having a loose daily plan will keep us from a 14-day (or longer!) “Netflix binge”.

Guard your heart. 

God’s Word tells us, “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” (‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭4:23‬) Science has proven what scripture already knew: what we think about directly affects our physical bodies. According to Dr. Caroline Leaf in her fascinating book, Switch On Your Brain, “scientists are discovering precise pathways by which changes in human thinking operate as signals that activate genetic expression, which then produce changes in our brains and bodies. Our genetic makeup fluctuates by the minute based on what we are thinking and choosing.“ Dr. Leaf makes a connection from Philippians 4:8 to patients who choose to think about “whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent or praiseworthy“ versus those who dwell on negative thoughts. The ones soaking in the truth of Scripture recover from illness and surgery at a quicker rate than those stuck in negative thinking loops. This has huge implications on our world today, as anxiety and fear are sweeping the nation. Setting our minds and our hearts on the truth of God's word, with our hope and trust in him will guard us from the stronghold of fear. 


Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” (1 Peter‬ ‭5:7‬) Pray for your own anxiety. Pray for those who are sick or at higher risk. Pray for our nation. Pray when you feel afraid and overwhelmed. “Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.” (‭‭Colossians‬ ‭4:2‬) Pray for peace when you feel panic. 

There’s no doubt about it, the world is panicking. As believers, let’s be different. Let us instead pursue peace so we can be the ambassadors for God that we were sent here to be.


Meet the Author!

Heather McAnear is a wife, mom, author and speaker with a passion for sharing God's truth to help women understand their uniquely beautiful design and how to use it for God's glory! In fact, Heather hosts the Uniquely Beautiful Stories podcast on iTunes in hopes do just that! She loves teaching young married couples with her husband, homeschooling their three children, traveling the world, enjoying good chocolate and long conversations in coffee shops. CRBC has been her church home for two decades and she is thrilled to be part of the Women's Ministry team, helping women connect with each other and grow in their walk with Jesus!