
Five Loaves and Two Chickens Cross the Road

Five Loaves and Two Chickens Cross the Road

I placed the five loaves of specialty bread in the brown paper sacks with the five personalized cards to match. This is a great idea. With my introverted housemate, Mary, in tow we crossed the street. Twenty feet began to feel like a mile as I grew fearful. I couldn’t help but think of how appropriate the comparison would be of her and I to the Chicken that crossed the road in the well known joke. Why did we two chickens cross the road? To reach our neighbors during a pandemic…

Beyond the Green: Celebrating the Legacy of St. Patrick

Beyond the Green: Celebrating the Legacy of St. Patrick

How do you celebrate St. Patrick’s Day? Most likely you go to a parade, wear green, pinch some people, watch the Chicago River turn green, or get a green drink. It’s a fun holiday in America, but do you even know what you are celebrating?