Some of my most favorite neighbors are an African American family. Current events involving race finally mandated a conversation I’ve always wanted to have with them regarding what it’s like to be them. Arlene and I text a lot. She shares the important events in her life—like her recent retirement from a nursing career and the death of her sister this summer.
Pursuing True Peace
We like to be comfortable. Many of our behaviors are motivated (often subconsciously) by our desire to maintain comfort. We want our needs met (and then some). We want predictability. We want everyone to “just get along”. Easy and stress-free, this type of lifestyle can still be devoid of peace because the Bible’s concept of peace is not about comfort.
Blog Roundup: Fighting Suicide with Good Mental Health
Good mental health is vitally important for us all and 2020 has certainly challenged our ability to fully experience it. With this in mind, along with September 10th being Suicide Prevention Day, we wanted to redirect you to a sampling of the great mental health content that we’ve produced over the years on our blog at I am inexplicably grateful for the insights and personal vulnerability the authors of these articles have shared.
Celebrating Our Differences
In honor of Down Syndrome Awareness Month coming in October, we wanted to chat with a couple of our favorite moms, Eilene Franks and Katie Harder, both raising children diagnosed with Down Syndrome. As you will see from this conversation, there is so much more to a person than a diagnosis, but we do want to shine a light on the special children they are raising and how we, as a church and community, can better understand and support families like theirs.
Bible Study Tools for the Everyday Student
Become a Lifelong Learner
Did you know that September is “Self Improvement Month”? What if you made a plan to finally learn that thing you’ve always wanted to do, or take the time to finally finish that book? Whether it requires mental or physical muscle, time or talent, emotion or solitude--learning something new is good for the soul.
I Think You’re Wrong (But I’m Listening)
When my mother in law told me she bought a book about politics I just HAD to read, I was apprehensive. Diving into politics really isn’t what I enjoy doing in my free time, but I read the book since it was a gift from her. I ended up devouring this book and highlighting it all over the place. There are many books I love to recommend to friends, and I Think You’re Wrong (But I’m Listening) by Sarah Stewart Holland and Beth Silvers is now one of the highest on my recommendation list.