I Think You’re Wrong (But I’m Listening)


When my mother in law told me she bought a book about politics I just HAD to read, I was apprehensive. Diving into politics really isn’t what I enjoy doing in my free time, but I read the book since it was a gift from her. I ended up devouring this book and highlighting it all over the place. There are many books I love to recommend to friends, and I Think You’re Wrong (But I’m Listening) by Sarah Stewart Holland and Beth Silvers is now one of the highest on my recommendation list. 

You may know Sarah and Beth from their Pantsuit Politics podcast where they discuss all political topics under the sun. These two women actually belong to different political parties, which partially inspired them to start discussing their political views together. They recognize that discussing politics has become somewhat of a trap in our current cultural climate and were inspired to write this book to change that narrative. They state, “We want this book to be a virtual kitchen table. If you want a fresh perspective on changing the country by changing our behaviors and holding a calm discussion in the midst of angry times, pull up a chair.” 

I Think You’re Wrong (But I’m Listening) would be a phenomenal book to read with a group of friends. Each chapter ends with discussion questions to further your engagement with the topics written about and they always include one “faith-based” question. As believing women themselves, they reflect on how faith plays into their engagement with politics. If there is any book you read during this election year, I encourage you to choose this one. 

Sarah and Beth hope this book helps you “put on a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience” just as Colossians 3:12 (AMP) advises. What an imperative time to pursue these qualities!

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Meet the author!

Becca Walker is a 2nd grade teacher in Edmond, Oklahoma. Her passion for kids mainly comes from the fact that she herself is still just a kid at heart. She and her husband, Brennan, love to serve in the church in many ways. Whether it is children’s ministry, youth, worship, or leading a young adult small group, they love it all! Becca’s main loves are her family, her pups Wrigley and Rizzo, her Savior, Old Navy, and of course, the incredible community at Council Road Baptist Church.