Become a Lifelong Learner


Did you know that September is “Self Improvement Month”? What if you made a plan to finally learn that thing you’ve always wanted to do, or take the time to finally finish that book? Whether it requires mental or physical muscle, time or talent, emotion or solitude--learning something new is good for the soul. 

“Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty.”– Henry Ford

I definitely consider myself a lifelong learner, even though it was somewhat accidental, rather than intentional. I’m curious, a bit competitive and interested in a multitude of subjects, which all lead me to be ever-learning. As I thought about what I’ve made an effort to learn and why, I realized that for me, learning falls into some specific categories.


I believe there is no greater time spent, than time in God’s word, prayer and worship. Truly, the only lasting things are not things at all: “The grass withers and the flowers fade, but the word of our God stands forever.” (Isaiah 40:8) Spiritual growth is an investment for a believer—not as something on the “to do” list, but as an opportunity to intimately know our loving Father. 

September Challenge: Pick up a Bible study workbook (our women’s ministry has several for sale), follow a YouVersion Reading plan (jump into the Canonical plan our church is reading), or try reading a favorite passage in a new translation. 


The next priority on the lifelong learning list for me is my people. I read books and listen to podcasts that help me grow in my relationship with my husband, children and community. The people placed around us are deliberately there by God’s design and they help make us better humans. We are all changing with each season and fighting for healthy relationships requires leaning in and learning about those around us.

September Challenge: Choose one relationship (spouse, roommate, colleague, co-worker, parent, etc) and invest some time learning to love them better.


Our physical bodies hold and carry around the very Spirit of God. That means our physical health is tied to stewarding what God has given us so that we can continue the work He has for us, as long as He has us here. Researching food, exercise, relaxation practices, supplements, essential oils…I can “geek out” on these topics. But the bottom line is the older I get, the more I realize how important it is to feel my best so that I can serve God and others well. 

September Challenge: Learn something new and apply that knowledge to your body. Incorporate a new recipe, meal plan, exercise method, healthy habit--you decide and apply.


As I mentioned, I’m curious and enjoy learning new things. I think it’s important to continually stimulate the incredible brains the Lord has given us, stretching ourselves to learn and retain new information. Whether you read a book, watch a documentary, sit in on a lecture or engage in an experience, growing your knowledge base on different topics keeps your brain active. Don’t let learning stop once you graduate from formal education. If you try it, you’ll find that you’re never too old to learn a new language, practice memorization (scripture memory!), or expand your mind as the world around us continues to get “tech-smarter”. 

September Challenge: Put your mind to it and learn something new.


We were created to create. That creating might be numbers on a spreadsheet, dough in a pan, notes on a musical scale, brush strokes on a canvas, blooms in a garden or results in an experiment. I don’t make enough time in my calendar to create and learn a new skill, but when I do, a little spark is lit inside of me. Maybe you need to get into the garden, the kitchen, your favorite chair or wherever you feel creative to give your soul an opportunity to express the gifts God has given you. 

September Challenge: Carve out one opportunity to get creative with something new you've been wanting to try. 

“How much better to get wisdom than gold, to get insight rather than silver!” – Proverbs 16:16

 “Wisdom is not a product of schooling but of the lifelong attempt to acquire it.”– Albert Einstein

What do you want to learn more about? Where and when does your spirit feel alive? I hope you will take some time in September to learn and grow in your relationship with God and others, as well as to nurture your own body, mind and soul. Become a lifelong learner and each of these will be better for it!


Meet the Author!

Heather McAnear is a wife, mom, author and speaker with a passion for sharing God's truth to help women understand their uniquely beautiful design and how to use it for God's glory! In fact, Heather hosts the Uniquely Beautiful Stories podcast on iTunes in hopes do just that! She loves teaching young married couples with her husband, homeschooling their three children, traveling the world, enjoying good chocolate and long conversations in coffee shops. CRBC has been her church home for two decades and she is thrilled to be part of the Women's Ministry team, helping women connect with each other and grow in their walk with Jesus!