Morgan Shillow is the Head of School at St.Paul’s Community School (SPCS), a new school and CRBC Mission Partner that provides an accessible, affordable and classical Christian education on the south side of OKC. She can actually see the school from her house, where she lives with her husband of 7 years, Chauncey, and their two boys, Joshua (4) and Malachi (1).
Giving Our Daily
Whiz Kids Coming to CRBC August 2020!
Hopefully by now, you’ve heard about Whiz Kids coming to Council Road in August! I am so excited and wish August was TOMORROW. We have been praying over at The CUBE for a long time about what’s next for this space. We felt a pull that there was something more for us and began looking into a lot of different options and going on site tours. As soon as we sat down to meet with Whiz Kids, we knew it was right.
Council Road’s Community Response to COVID-19
Live Simply, Give Generously
Hopefully by now, you have heard that this year’s Missions Month is going to be a bit different because it falls right in the middle of Lent! Our mission theme of “Live Simply, Give Generously” is a perfect fit as the Lenten season already calls us to simplify our lives in some way so that we can deepen our attention to the cross…
A Woman’s Place In The Church
The year was 1986 and I was at a missions summer camp called Camp Nunny Cha Ha, held on the grounds of Falls Creek Baptist Assembly. It was a camp I looked forward to every year, where campers and counselors studied scripture together, sang songs, heard testimonies from foreign and local missionaries and had lots of fun in the Oklahoma heat. On the last night of camp, the guest speaker led us into a commitment time explaining that he felt the Lord was speaking to some of us in the room, calling some to accept Christ and others into special service (which was the term used for a call to ministry of some sort.)