I turn 30 next month, which feels like a big deal—the end of a decade! I have been thinking about what it has been like being single through these incredible, weird, formative (and at times flailing) years in my 20s. My guess is that if someone who spent most of their 20s embarking on marriage and/or parenthood was reflecting on that same decade, we’d use many of the same adjectives of beautiful, painful, full of life and loss and adventure and growing pains.
Happy Galentines: Celebrating the Girl Friends in Our Life!
Podcast Roll Call
What Will You Be Reading?: Books to Love in 2020
No Home for the Holidays: 4 Ways to Reach the Lonely this Christmas
Growing up in Uganda, Christmas was always a big deal. I was constantly surrounded by both close and extended family during this time. We would swap stories from the year, go to church together and eat lots of good food. However, I never realized the importance and value of being surrounded by family during the Christmas season until I moved to this country for college.
What to Give (and Not Give) the Teacher In Your Life
Christmas Bucket List and Playlist
It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year
If you know me, you know I love Christmas—I think it’s just in my blood! I was born twelve days before Christmas and almost given the middle name, Noel (which would have been super appropriate!). We were married one week before Christmas and I’ve requested a Christmas carol sung at my funeral, no matter the season. Sometimes I listen to Christmas music in June, and I feel “warm fuzzies” inside when I see the trees and decorations fill the stores in early fall.