No Home for the Holidays: 4 Ways to Reach the Lonely this Christmas


Growing up in Uganda, Christmas was always a big deal. I was constantly surrounded by both close and extended family during this time. We would swap stories from the year, go to church together and eat lots of good food. However, I never realized the importance and value of being surrounded by family during the Christmas season until I moved to this country for college.

Suddenly, almost all my closely connected family members were thousands of miles away from me  geographically. The expensive cost to go home during the holidays made it impossible to visit every year, sometimes leaving me feeling quite lonely. But over the years, I have been blessed by the people around me who have loved and cared for me in different ways. Here are four things they did that you might consider doing for others who are lonely and longing for family during the Christmas season:

1. Welcome them into your family

I still remember the first Christmas I spent far away from my family. I dreaded the thought of trying to figure out where I was going to go for Christmas break. But through God’s provision, a long-time family friend invited me to join them not just Christmas day, but the entire 4-week break! They had planned to go to Colorado and Branson over the course of two weeks and wanted me to join them even on that trip. They were so kind and generous to pay for all my travel expenses. Seeing how God provided me with a loving family to spend that first Christmas with gave me hope and continues to give me hope for the Christmases to come.

2. Allow them to contribute

When you invite people into your home for a Christmas meal, party or any other holiday celebration, give them an opportunity to contribute something. For the past five years, my sisters and I have gone to a family friend’s home for a Thanksgiving meal and we are always asked to bring a side dish.  We started making a Ugandan snack/dessert to take and it has quickly become a favorite Thanksgiving tradition with that family. This makes us feel included and also a part of their family.

3. Listen 

Honestly, there are times when I get weary of going to different homes for the holidays. Don’t get me wrong—I am so thankful for people who welcome me into their homes and lives, but sometimes it makes me long even more for my own family and reminds me of how much I miss them. During those times, all I want to do is just talk about how I'm feeling or even share some of my family memories and stories with a friend. All I need during those times is for someone to listen. Talking through how much I miss my family helps me feel more connected with, loved and cared for by those around me.

4. Celebrate with them

Besides inviting others into your home, there are lots of ways to celebrate with them. During Christmas time, I will get together with different friends  to go to Christmas parties, dinners and a variety of outings. These celebrations fill me with joy and excitement for the season, helping me feel less lonely and sad about not having my family close by. So, grab a friend and take them out to dinner during the holiday season, or throw a white elephant Christmas party and include those around you who might be lonely during the holidays. 

When I think of the love and care that I have received from others in a country far from most of my family, I have been encouraged and fueled to love others around me—not only during the holiday season. I am reminded of Philippians 2:4, “Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.” 

Do you know anyone who has no family around and might be spending time alone this Christmas? I hope these ideas will help you reach out and show them love this season. Join me and together let’s reach the lonely this Christmas.


Meet the author!

Krista Musiime lived in Uganda for more than half her life before moving to the States. She works as an engineer and during the weekends enjoys being a part of the student ministry at Council Road Baptist Church. Krista is a lover of the outdoors, hot beverages, dancing and spending time with family and friends.