Wrap This One Up


Wrapping up one year and entering into the next brings with it mixed feelings. Years marked by pain or transition can’t end fast enough, while sweet seasons beg to be savored until the drop of the ball at midnight on December 31st. No matter the way one year ends and another starts, I have found it helpful (even therapeutic) to make time to reflect on the last twelve months and then dream about what I hope the coming days will hold. 

As I mentioned in a post earlier this month entitled It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year, I love the way the Lord has woven a seasonal rhythm into our calendar year. If we allow it to, the Christmas season can serve as a signal to slow down, savor and reflect, putting our hearts in a posture to press pause. Schedules slow, people gather, businesses close—making room to both connect with others and spend extra time with the Lord. 

Although there is an attitude of reflection throughout Advent, I’d never pretend there aren’t also extra things on our plates like parties, family celebrations, wrapping up projects, shopping and baking. This is where intentionality with our schedules becomes the difference between surviving the Christmas season and embracing it. 

Personally, that means paying attention when I start to feel stressed, then taking something off my plate (like buying a store bought treat rather than baking a homemade one for the party tomorrow). It also means managing expectations and being realistic about what I can be a part of each day/week in December (less really is easier to savor than more!). Finally, I’ve found that as the year-end draws near, planning a time to ask myself and my spouse certain questions helps me to both wrap up each year in a meaningful way and begin the next with purpose and hope. 

Below are some of my favorite reflection questions…

Personal reflection:

  • Was there a word or theme God put on your heart for this past year? If so, how did you see Him use that word over the last 12 months? Is He pressing another word on your heart for 2020?

  • What is the biggest thing God taught you this year? How do you hope these lessons  will impact your life/family/schedule in 2020?

  • In what areas would you like to see growth in the coming year? How did you grow this year? (Even a little growth is growth!) 

  • How did you use your time? (Were you intentional or did your calendar control your life?)

  • How did you use your resources? (Were you able to give freely or did your money tell you where it was already going?) What steps can you take toward being more healthy financially?

  • Did you see growth in the relationships closest to you? Are there any relationships that need mending or extra attention this year?

  • Who has access to your life to hold you accountable and mentor you? Who are you mentoring? 

Reflection for Couples:

  • How has our marriage grown and changed this year?

  • What lessons has God taught us through trials this year?

  • How can I serve you best in this next season of our lives?

  • Which couples have we grown closer to this year? Are there any couples we want to intentionally get to know this next year?

  • How have we managed our time? Are there any changes we need to make to our calendar?

  • How have we managed our resources? Are there any changes we need to make to our finances? How can we give more generously to God’s kingdom?

  • How is our marriage a picture of Jesus and his church? How is our family being used for God‘s kingdom? 

  • Who are we are praying to come to know Jesus? How can we serve the Lord together in this next year?

However you choose to wrap up 2019 and welcome 2020, I pray the Lord of hope would fill you with all peace and joy as you trust in Him (Romans 15:13).


Meet the Author!

Heather McAnear is a wife, mom, author and speaker with a passion for sharing God's truth to help women understand their uniquely beautiful design and how to use it for God's glory! In fact, Heather hosts the Uniquely Beautiful Stories podcast on iTunes in hopes do just that! She loves teaching young married couples with her husband, homeschooling their three children, traveling the world, enjoying good chocolate and long conversations in coffee shops. CRBC has been her church home for two decades and she is thrilled to be part of the Women's Ministry team, helping women connect with each other and grow in their walk with Jesus!