
Being Single is Not A Curse

Being Single is Not A Curse

I turn 30 next month, which feels like a big deal—the end of a decade! I have been thinking about what it has been like being single through these incredible, weird, formative (and at times flailing) years in my 20s. My guess is that if someone who spent most of their 20s embarking on marriage and/or parenthood was reflecting on that same decade, we’d use many of the same adjectives of beautiful, painful, full of life and loss and adventure and growing pains

Singles Are Sick of the Jingles: Dos & Don’ts of Talking to Single Women

Singles Are Sick of the Jingles: Dos & Don’ts of Talking to Single Women

“You don’t have to be lonely, at” The jingle rang out over my parents tv. We all laughed as my ranch-owner dad threatened to set up an account for his single daughter…me. As I remember how we joked about the catchy jingle every time it came on, I recall other not-so-catchy…