And I will lead the blind in a way that they do not know, in paths that they have not known I will guide them. I will turn the darkness before them into light, the rough places into level ground. These are the things I do, and I do not forsake them. Isaiah 42:16
I felt lost and alone in 2019 when I had to make the heart-breaking decision to find a new church because where we were was no longer safe for my daughter, Willow, and I. God had released me from a very painful and dangerous situation in my marriage and I had filed for divorce. What followed from church members who did not know the intimate details was hurtful judgment and condemnation. I have always had such a heart for family, but now I found myself in the middle of a terrible divorce and I was frightened about the prospect of more condemnation from the Christian community.
I was angry, devastated from so much loss, and my defenses were up. I called out to the Lord feeling betrayed that it was me that had to lose my home and church family when I had been diligently seeking Him and trying my best to honor Him in my life. I was so very certain that the closeness of my previous church family could not be obtained again, so it was that I sat with a skeptical attitude in the parking lot of Council Road.
I told the Lord (whom I desperately was clinging to yet still not fully trusting) that I would never have close friendships at such a large church. But He had a plan and He prompted me through the doors. So on December 1st, 2019 I walked through the doors for the first time. He very lovingly placed the right people at the right time in my life so that I ended up attending the Wednesday night single mom’s group who became my dear family. These wonderful women held my hand and prayed diligently for my little girl through some of the most painful experiences of our lives. They were with me as my divorce was finalized in 2020 and with me during the dark days that were looming.
God knew Willow and I needed even more support for what was coming, so He sent me to the Fusion connection class and a Sunday evening small group where I met families that understood what it was like to parent children with traumatic backgrounds. Jesus knew a huge desire in my heart was for a family. Through my mistrust and skepticism, God patiently showed me grace and continued to provide.
Jesus has remained my closest and dearest family member and friend but, in addition, through the treasured community at Council Road Baptist Church, God has provided Willow and I with the dearest of friends who have become the equivalent of family. I could never have imagined all that the Lord planned to provide through this treasured community. Yet if we were capable of figuring everything about God out, He wouldn’t be so worthy of worship. I am so grateful that God patiently leads with mercy and grace through a knowledge and depth that I cannot even fathom.
Meet the author!
Mary is the momma of Willow and two Whippet fur babies. In addition she works full time as an elementary art teacher and is working on her Masters to be a licensed counselor. In her free time she plans momma-daughter dates, reads, and plays her Nintendo Switch!