Mission Partner: Andrea Tompkins of CRU

Mission Partner: Andrea Tompkins of CRU

Andrea serves on the Executive Team of the High School ministry of CRU (formerly Campus Crusade for Christ), along with her husband of almost 18 years, Tyrone. They have two amazing kids, Isabelle (or Izzy, cutest nickname ever!) who is 8 and LT who is 2.

Find out her advice on connecting with teenagers and what her calling to ministry looked like, as well as her story with infertility, race and ministry...and of course, what books are on her nightstand!

Mission Partner: Sarah

Mission Partner: Sarah

Sarah recently moved to Southeast Asia as a church planter with her husband of nearly 16 years, Sam, and their 3 amazing children (ages 13, 11 and 4). She is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and hosts the Red Button Podcast which focuses on sharing real life stories with a Mental Health Practitioner. They also welcomed a new member of the family into their home a few weeks ago...an adorable and fluffy puppy! I have changed their names and won’t be showing any pictures of their faces to protect their ministry, but I think you’ll love getting to know “Sarah” through her voice and perspective.

Mission Partner: Morgan Shillow and St. Paul's Community School

Mission Partner: Morgan Shillow and St. Paul's Community School

Morgan Shillow is the Head of School at St.Paul’s Community School (SPCS), a new school and CRBC Mission Partner that provides an accessible, affordable and classical Christian education on the south side of OKC. She can actually see the school from her house, where she lives with her husband of 7 years, Chauncey, and their two boys, Joshua (4) and Malachi (1).

Thriving Over Surviving

Thriving Over Surviving

It took 18 long months for my oldest child to start sleeping through the night. There were weeks where I was sleeping in 20-60 minute spurts and barely staying awake despite the IV of coffee I lived on. I was in pure survival mode. The last thing on my mind was how I could serve God by making disciples and serving others. All I could focus on was when I could catch a nap and how to be needed the least amount possible by others. I knew this couldn’t be what God intended motherhood to look like, but I couldn’t see a way out either.

Uniquely Beautiful Stories

Uniquely Beautiful Stories

I’ve always been a story-teller. I wrote my first short story in second grade and still have it in the attic, with my teacher’s “red pen” comment at the top of the page: “You should be a writer”. (Thank you, Mrs. Eastman!) In middle-school, I wrote made-up stories on the back of offering envelopes to entertain my BFFs during church (Sorry, Mom… I’m sure I was also listening). My favorite class in high school was senior English, where we were finally free to write from our heads and hearts, rather than just term papers.