Seeing Racial Injustice Through a Gospel Lens

Seeing Racial Injustice Through a Gospel Lens

I recently wrote a newsletter article (God Creates Race, We Created Racism) for our Council Road newsletter about how my perspective on race and racism changed. I wish everyone could have an immersive experience like the one I described and experienced! It was a powerful jumping off board and I continue to grow, learn, and invest in significant ways.

Being Born Female

Being Born Female

Being born female--that is the #1 risk factor for breast cancer. I was first touched by breast cancer as a young teenager when a grandmother I dearly loved was diagnosed and had one of her breasts removed. Since then, I’ve had maternal and paternal aunts that have had full mastectomies, my second grandmother was diagnosed, and my mother had countless cysts aspirated and removed.

May We Come Over?: A Neighborly Conversation About Race

May We Come Over?: A Neighborly Conversation About Race

Some of my most favorite neighbors are an African American family. Current events involving race finally mandated a conversation I’ve always wanted to have with them regarding what it’s like to be them. Arlene and I text a lot. She shares the important events in her life—like her recent retirement from a nursing career and the death of her sister this summer.

Blog Roundup: Fighting Suicide with Good Mental Health

Blog Roundup: Fighting Suicide with Good Mental Health

Good mental health is vitally important for us all and 2020 has certainly challenged our ability to fully experience it. With this in mind, along with September 10th being Suicide Prevention Day, we wanted to redirect you to a sampling of the great mental health content that we’ve produced over the years on our blog at I am inexplicably grateful for the insights and personal vulnerability the authors of these articles have shared.