
Come Thou Long Expected...Santa?

Come Thou Long Expected...Santa?

With Christmas quickly approaching, it’s the perfect time to stop for a minute and examine our hearts for the days ahead. It’s a tricky time of year. It’s extremely busy and our attention can easily become divided between celebrating Jesus’ birth and getting caught up in the Santa-centered and celebratory rush of gift exchanges, holiday parties and family traditions.

Deck the Halls: DIY Edition

Deck the Halls: DIY Edition

I must confess, I love being crafty, but I’m the worst at actually carving out time and space in my life to be creative. Crafting takes money, time and energy. All the things that most people never have enough of. (I know, I’m not doing a good job of selling this whole DIY “Do it yourself” thing… stay with me though.)

A Father’s Impact

A Father’s Impact

One of the many things I look forward to in our adoption journey is getting to see my husband, Michael, become a father. He is such a thoughtful, fun, and loving human being, and I have no doubt he will be an incredible father to our kiddos someday. Considering the father that Michael will be reminds me of how incredible my own father has been.

Standing in Jesus’ Tomb

Standing in Jesus’ Tomb

My heart raced as I held my breath. It happened so quickly, I’d had no warning to prepare my heart and head for where I was and what I was feeling. Our small tour group had been told we’d see the tomb where they were almost positive Jesus was placed in, but I never imagined I’d actually stand inside it!

A Fragrant Offering

A Fragrant Offering

Isn’t it amazing how your senses can heighten an experience and even flood your mind with sweet (and sometimes, not so savory) memories? We were created with the capacity to truly savor (food, moments, Scripture, etc) and to make meaning…