A Fragrant Offering


Isn’t it amazing how your senses can heighten an experience and even flood your mind with sweet (and sometimes, not so savory) memories? We were created with the capacity to truly savor (food, moments, Scripture, etc) and to make meaningful connections between our mind and senses. Christmas is a time I especially feel that my memories and even the simplest of experiences are so deeply intertwined with my senses. An aroma, a favorite prepared dish, a certain song - there is something about the familiar that can bring comfort and a sense of home.

My family delights in our many traditions throughout the season and in finding any way to get in the kitchen with one another. One thing we enjoy making and sharing with others is a stove top fragrance. Each fall, the components of this fragrance make their way into each of our kitchens. The aroma is a perfect blend of citrus and spice; the slow simmer invites you to linger in the sweet moments of the season. I fire up the stove and instantly have the desire to bake something, watch football, and cozy up on the couch with my people. We typically buy large quantities of each ingredient (the Asian market is a great resource for the cloves and cinnamon sticks) and package them for friends, neighbors, party hosts, dinner guests, etc. I find such joy in giving, especially when I feel it is something that could evoke a feeling of warmth, home, and even nostalgia.

Packaging this fragrance can be as simple as a brown paper bag tied up with twine and a sprig of rosemary, a parcel made with scrap fabric, or a mason jar holding all of the aromatic components. You could go a step further and gift it in a festive pot, ready to go on the stove!

I’m happy to share a free printable with this recipe that our family loves! You can print and attach it to the ingredients for this fragrance as a gift to someone this season. If you want your fragrance to have more of a wintry feel, cranberries and fresh pine or rosemary can add depth to the overall color and scent.

I hope this fragrant offering will be a beautifully sweet reminder to slow down and savor the moments, sights, sounds, and smells of this special season. And I hope you will choose to joyfully give, whether it be of your resources, gifts or time, during this season marked by the greatest gift ever given.


Meet the Author!

Megan Mathews is a former art teacher who now fills her days with teaching and loving on her two children.  She is part owner of Cuppies & Joe and also enjoys using her art background on various design projects.  Megan adores time with her husband, Sundays with her family, good coffee and cuisine, quiet moments in creation, and making memories with her littles.