An Unconventional Holiday Bucket List


“Get lost in a good turtleneck.” 

This is one of my Fall bucket list items (and one that I have already joyfully crossed off!). It might seem like an unusual thing to include, but that’s the joy of creating an unconventional holiday bucket list. 

Having grown up in a small town, I am still so amazed at all the fun seasonal events that Oklahoma City has to offer. All it takes is a quick Google search to find hundreds of activities to enjoy with friends and family. With that said, rather than listing all the best pumpkin patches or holiday markets (although I will include some helpful OKC-related links below), I’m going to instead challenge you to think a little outside the box for your holiday bucket list this year. 


When my housemate, Hannah, and I created our Fall bucket list in August (yes, a tad early—but Hannah couldn’t contain herself), we were both thinking less about doing and more about enjoying.

Here are some of the things on our list: 

  • Sit on the back porch (sans mosquitos)

  • Enjoy crisp mornings

  • Light the fireplace

  • Snuggle with Max and York (our pups)

  • Keep Hannah from Christmas movies

  • Get lost in a good turtleneck

  • Coax Mary out of the house (where my introverts at??)

  • Count our blessings

  • Host gatherings

  • Bake a pie

  • Marvel at the Father’s goodness

Will we get around to all of these things? Probably not and that’s okay. The purpose is to have a loose plan of things that will help us slow down and enjoy this crazy busy time of the year. Our bucket list also creates anticipation and gives us the joy of celebrating simple moments throughout the changing gleefully marking off “get lost in a good turtleneck” after wearing a cute (and super soft) turtleneck sweater when the weather finally cooled off.


Now is the time to make your unconventional list full of moments to look forward to this holiday season. As you make your list, think about simple things you and your family love doing and write them down. Or consider personality differences, like whether you are more introverted or extraverted. If you are more of a homebody, like me, then be sure to include “homebody-friendly” activities—like special movie nights or reading by the fireplace. And for those of you more outgoing folks, like my housemate, you can plan to attend all the parties and get-togethers to your heart’s content.

Lastly, check out the links below to explore local OKC holiday calendars and don’t forget CRBC events like The Gift Goes On (my favorite shopping event of the year!), Families Loving Families, and Opening Night

November Events in Oklahoma City
November Fairs and Festivals in Oklahoma City 
Oklahoma City Holiday Events Overview 

Remember, the goal isn’t to create a rigid check list but one that will help you savor the days ahead. Happy list-making!


Meet the Author!

Mary Criner is a neat-freak and (recovering) shopaholic who loves to continuously redecorate her house and organize things. As an introvert (like 110% on the scale), she’s most content when spending time with her dog, Max, or family and close friends. She has a Bachelor’s degree in Marketing and works as the Communications Director at Quail Springs Baptist Church. Mary enjoys volunteering in the CRBC student ministry and as the CRBC women’s blog coordinator.