Bringing Community to The Table

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Council Road Women formed a much loved new ministry last year called The Table. We began this ministry not knowing how desperate we would all be for community when the Covid-19 virus would rearrange our world. What a wonderful gift The Table was to our women as we battled loneliness, loss of jobs, sickness, fear and anxiety, plans being disrupted, family heartaches, and so much more. 

Based off of Jennie Allen’s popular IF: Table ministry, our Table ministry has consisted of 14 small groups of 8 women of different ages who met monthly in homes to share a meal and engage in intentional conversation. Our first round of The Table began in January 2020 with over 100 women participating. The Covid-19 Quarantine interrupted our plan of small groups meeting in homes around a dinner table, but many groups continued to meet monthly via Zoom.  Oh, how we have loved the conversations and friendships formed!

To inspire you to sign up now for our next round of Table groups beginning in September, we wanted you to hear about the blessings received from some of our current Table hostesses:

1. What were some benefits of meeting with women from different generations and backgrounds? 

“Meeting with women of different generations and ages allowed some really sweet encouragement. There is something beautiful about an older woman sharing a story of struggle that I, a younger woman, is experiencing at the present. We saw a gracious connection between women.”

“I loved getting to meet different women in the church. I have had several opportunities to meet with the older ladies but not the young single adults. I loved getting to know some of them and to know some of the challenges they are facing.”

“I know everyone enjoyed getting to know women that our paths don't normally cross. We saw women reach out and meet together or text/call for prayer support outside the structured time together. We found that the 2 hours allowed women to open up and be vulnerable with each other. I think seeing that level of trust so quickly was one of the things that was sweetest to me.” 

2. How did you see the Lord work in your Table group during these past 6 months?

“Generally speaking, I think there was a sense of community growing.  Several expressed that they had been praying for women friends and community and felt this was a specific answer to prayer.  Since we shared our contact information with each other at the first gathering, women were free to connect one on one with others in the group whom the Lord led them to reach out to. One of our group members loves hospitality, so she was quick to jump in with her baking and organizational skills! We loved that!”

“We became a gracious group of women which any of our members could come to for prayer. We were checking on one another, celebrating with each other, and crying for one another. Empathy and prayer go a long way.”

“The special way we supported each other especially during COVID and pregnancy, the  loss of jobs and family etc... it was special, special timing.”

3. Would you encourage other women to take part in this ministry? Why?  

“Yes, we collectively found that there are incredible women right here on our doorstep as fellow CRBC members whom we've not gotten to know before, and I'm confident some of those relationships built during this Table will be rich and long-lasting ones within the body of Christ. The commitment of a two-hour gathering per month was very richly rewarded with new and growing friendships!”

“Yes! Joining in a group of different women with the purpose of knowing God more, allows us to glean from the work God has done in each of our lives. A lot of strength comes from knowing there is a group of women who are cheering you on simply because you are their sister in Christ. We don’t have to be of the same personality, ethnicity, or even generation to be sisters who push one another toward the cross.”

“Yes, it is intentional and leads to discipleship. The time commitment is enough to stay involved but not too much to commit too.”

If you desire to build new friendships, learn from others, grow your community, or even just enjoy a wonderful home cooked meal with other women once a month, we strongly encourage you to join our next round of The Table! We will be doing another 6 month commitment starting in September. 

CLICK HERE  to get yourself signed up and then invite a friend to join us! You will receive more information about your group placements at the end of August.

Contact me, Becca, at ( or Vickey ( if you have any questions about the Table.

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Meet the author!

Becca Walker is a 2nd grade teacher in Edmond, Oklahoma. Her passion for kids mainly comes from the fact that she herself is still just a kid at heart. She and her husband, Brennan, love to serve in the church in many ways. Whether it is children’s ministry, youth, worship, or leading a young adult small group, they love it all! Becca’s main loves are her family, her pups Wrigley and Rizzo, her Savior, Old Navy, and of course, the incredible community at Council Road Baptist Church.