Daddy Issues


Not everyone gets the opportunity to see a picture of an earthly father who is loving and just. My family knows this well.


I think I was about seven years old when my family went to Turner Falls for a fun day. We were walking along in some shallow water  when my sister, who would've been about four years old at the time, stepped into a deep part and went right under water. I can remember my dad's cat-like reflexes, dropping all of the stuff he was carrying in one hand and scooping her up out of the water just moments after she went under. He had her back on the shallow part so quickly that she kept walking without missing a beat, almost as though he was expecting it to happen. That early memory of my dad rings true to my experience with him my whole life--always ready to scoop me up when I needed protection from those things meant to harm me.

I was blessed to grow up with my dad active in my life. He was the spiritual leader of my home and modeled what it meant to serve Christ through serving others in the church. He lived out forgiveness and grace in many ways, but he also set limits with me. I always knew he meant business when his jaw line was tight and set. He was just. When I was wrong, I had consequences and was disciplined in love. So I saw both sides of him--loving and just.

For me, it was easy to accept Christ at the age of nine years old. When I learned at home and in church about a Heavenly Father who was loving and just, my earthly father’s example had given me a mental picture of what this can look like. I was ready to accept Christ whole-heartedly as my Savior, as I knew God would be my Heavenly Father, scooping me up out of any situation for my protection as I walked with Him, serving Him.

My children’s early experiences were much different. Growing up in a broken home and in foster care prior to coming to live with my husband and I, they didn’t have a consistent earthly father example who modeled love and justice. Trying to comprehend a Heavenly Father who is loving and just was hard for them. Slowly, as they have experienced living with my husband, they are starting to see that picture and this draws them closer to the heart of God. 

I know how thankful I am for my earthly father. My children are blessed to also gain an earthly father model, but I’ve worked with many children who never had that opportunity. That’s why I know how valuable the relationships that our children and youth have through the school and church groups are, particularly with male volunteers. When I worked with youths in residential treatment and detention centers and asked them what they wanted to be when they grew up, 100% of them said a counselor or a parole officer. Those were the positive relationships they had with others. A counselor or a parole officer, period. What an opportunity we have to come alongside children and youth who are looking for a picture of what a positive role model looks like.

If you are interested in finding out more about how you can be a part of mentoring a young life in your church, contact your church staff. My church has multiple ways, including leading youth groups, being a sponsor for events where youths will hear about the Gospel, and being a children’s volunteer with younger kids. Our church is even starting a Whiz Kids site this fall where we can be positive role models for children in our community simply by spending some time after school with them. We also support many families who step into being foster or adoptive parents or a Safe Families  host. 

I’m thankful for my earthly father who set up an example for me. I’m thankful for my husband who is an example for my three children who desperately needed an example. And I’m thankful for our church for intentionally putting opportunities in front of us to step into this space.  What an opportunity we all have to be the hands and feet of our Heavenly Father. 


Meet the Author!

Carisa Wilsie is a licensed psychologist and orphan care advocate. She lives life with many bright and compassionate people that hold her up. She is a wife and mother to three who were born out of her heart through adoption. Most importantly, she is a Christ follower and strives everyday to live out her unique calling. Thoughts shared here are based out of personal opinion and experience.