The more time I invest in getting to know God through reading His Word, looking for signs of His presence and character in His created world, and listening to His indwelling Spirit, the more aware I am that there is so much more of Him to know. And the more of Him that I do know, the more I want to know! Yes, I know Him better than I used to, but not as well as I would like or as I believe I one day will. While I don’t want to miss knowing all that I can about God on this side of Heaven, I also appreciate that God is more magnificent and multi-layered than my mortal mind can fully grasp. This is all both perplexing and inspiring.
Imaging God In Our Work: A Panel Recap
In the first chapter of the opening book of the Bible, God repeatedly states that we as humans are made in His image, “Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have
dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the live-
stock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth. So
God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he
created them.” (Genesis 1:26-27, ESV)
Divine Reflections in Life's Transitions
Focus on Caring
Sit back. Take a moment. And really think. What would imaging God in our community look like? Ephesians 2:10 says, "We are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." As God's beautiful workmanship, each one of us has a calling to be the hands and feet of Jesus. Being the church is not only about loving others - although, loving others is the vital beginning. But being the church also envelopes the attitude and actions of caretakers. Miriam-Webster defines caretaker as one that gives physical or emotional care and support. In order to be the hands and feet of Jesus in endowing care and support to others, we must focus beyond ourselves and even beyond our own families. We must be intentional in truly seeing the needs of others, not just around the world, but also in our own community.
My Brokenness and His Image
As she navigated the crowded food court to an out of the way corner table, she caught my eye and my heart – tattered coat, uncombed hair, downcast eyes and stressed face. I could see in her movements familiar feelings and fears – lonely but isolated, in a crowd but hidden, out of the way, afraid of being too much but also in need.
Intro To Exodus
Exodus is generally a book of the Bible that people do not sit down and read for themselves like they would other books. We know the major stories of Exodus - Moses telling Pharaoh “let my people go,” the plagues, Israelites crossing the Red Sea on dry land, God giving His people the Ten Commandments, Israel failing time and time again to follow those commandments. We have the general idea of what Exodus is about but the other parts can feel confusing. However, if we take a look at ALL that is happening throughout this book, the stories we already know will come to life even more.
Five Aspects of Woman: A Biblical Theology of Femininity
Have you ever read a book that has shaped your life profoundly? I have been challenged this year to reread some of the books that were most impactful on my life. Five Aspects of Woman by Barbara Mouser brought the timelessness of Scripture to my evolving circumstances. When I first read this book ten years ago, I was a Junior in college engaged to be married. Today, I am a married mom of three young children headed into the school aged years. The femininity framework this study provides bolsters my confidence to pursue God in every season because society is asking…the church is asking…I am asking, What is the role of women? Why should I care?