Five Aspects of Woman: A Biblical Theology of Femininity

All book reviews posted on our blog are the opinions of the blog author and do not speak as the church as a whole.

Have you ever read a book that has shaped your life profoundly? I have been challenged this year to reread some of the books that were most impactful on my life. Five Aspects of Woman by Barbara Mouser brought the timelessness of Scripture to my evolving circumstances. When I first read this book ten years ago, I was a Junior in college engaged to be married. Today, I am a married mom of three young children headed into the school aged years. The femininity framework this study provides bolsters my confidence to pursue God in every season because society is asking…the church is asking…I am asking,

What is the role of women? 

Why should I care? 

Thousands of voices shout all the things women should not be. So, what do we do with all this variety of opinion? Mouser has the courage to state what a woman should be and where to find it, “Find yourself in God. Your nature and characteristics will only make sense in light of who He is.” 

Barbara Mouser dedicated her life experience as a women’s Bible teacher to help found the International Council for Gender Studies and the subsequent Five Aspects of Woman theological course. This study is dedicated to building a framework based on the foundational aspects of women: 

1. Mistress of the Domain: Woman is created in the image of God to rule, subdue and make the environment around her productive.

2. Helper-Completer: Woman and man are interdependent and complementary in their abilities. Women are highly relational, with a special insight into a person’s character, goals, feelings and needs.

3. Lifegiver: Woman, in both body and spirit, has a special capacity to give life, nurture, heal and encourage, raising all things above mere existence to flourishing. 

4. Lady of Wisdom: Woman, in the fear of the Lord, guards culture through teaching and discernment and excels in practical living. 

5. Glory of Man: Woman represents the Bride of Christ, the perfectly adorned believer with the good works of the saints. 

What differentiates this book from many others is its thoroughness. It beautifully captures the individual, celebrating our uniqueness while uniting all women under a common banner. Barbara’s compiled work brings to life the created, fallen and redeemed aspects of womanhood using case studies throughout Scripture. It teases out feminine temptations that can be deeply hidden. Then, it works to rewire your thinking and teaches you how to actively participate in redemption. 

Where do you want to experience redemption? 

Register now for the Image Bearer women’s conference taking place March 1-2, where we will explore embracing our status as being made in the image of God. Then join me this summer as I’ll be finishing Five Aspects of Woman and will continue meditating on the dignity granted to women as image bearers. Happy reading!

Meet the author!

Natalie Ford is a wife and mom with a passion for making Christ known. She is an avid reader, enjoys the outdoors and loves to be with her people at CRBC.