
The Church As Family

The Church As Family

We have all heard the phrase, “It takes a village to raise a child.” As a church, we don’t just believe that children need a village, we believe that every human needs a village. What we love about our village is that it is Christ-centered and our church is an extension of our household families. Ephesians 1:4-5 tells us that we are adopted into God’s family through Jesus Christ. The church is not just a building, it is the people inside that are a direct extension of the family. 

The Nature of God

The Nature of God

The more time I invest in getting to know God through reading His Word, looking for signs of His presence and character in His created world, and listening to His indwelling Spirit, the more aware I am that there is so much more of Him to know. And the more of Him that I do know, the more I want to know! Yes, I know Him better than I used to, but not as well as I would like or as I believe I one day will. While I don’t want to miss knowing all that I can about God on this side of Heaven, I also appreciate that God is more magnificent and multi-layered than my mortal mind can fully grasp. This is all both perplexing and inspiring.