The Church As Family

We have all heard the phrase, “It takes a village to raise a child.” As a church, we don’t just believe that children need a village, we believe that every human needs a village. What we love about our village is that it is Christ-centered and our church is an extension of our household families. Ephesians 1:4-5 tells us that we are adopted into God’s family through Jesus Christ. The church is not just a building, it is the people inside that are a direct extension of the family. 

What does this mean for those who are believers? 1 Corinthians 12:26 says, “If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together.” When a member of the church has a time of celebration, the church family comes along to delight with them. Bonnie’s son, Ben, was baptized on Easter Sunday. The joy of watching Ben be baptized was increased immensely as her village celebrated alongside her. Not only are we to rejoice with one another, we also walk together in times of difficulties. Dondra remembers when her granddaughter, Annie Kate, passed away unexpectedly. Her family’s heartbreak was immense, however, the family of God surrounded her with love and care, bringing cards, food, and prayer. This is what it means to be a church family.

Alongside those amazing things, in our children’s ministry, we have the desire to partner with parents in helping kids on their journey with God and each other. We are your village. As a church family, we walk with families through the joys of expectancy, births, family dedications, discipleship and baptisms. We love being able to rejoice with families, but we are also grateful to be alongside them during times of grief and sorrow. It is an honor to pray for families and disciple little kingdom builders. When we are connected to the body of Christ we have the support and care of those within the church body. Galatians 6:10 says “So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.” Church family, let’s be praying for opportunities to serve and love one another as we journey through life together.


Meet the Author!

Bonnie Cannon serves as the Director of Children's Ministry at CRBC. After graduating from SWOSU she taught 2nd grade at Perry Public Schools. She moved to Houston and served in preschool ministry at Crossroads Baptist Church as a Preschool Childcare Coordinator. She and her family moved back to Oklahoma City in 2021 and found their church home at CRBC. She loves teaching kids about the Gospel and leading them to Jesus. She is married to Sam Cannon and they have two kiddos, Ben and Anna.

Dondra Lonsdale serves as the Preschool Minister at CRBC.  She is passionate about serving young children and families and believes there is no age too young for a child to learn about God and his love for us.  She previously served as a Mother’s Day Out Director for 16 years and in many other areas of preschool ministry.  Dondra is married to her junior high sweetheart, Max, and they have three grown children and 11 adorable grandchildren.