As we wrap up 2022, we also wrap up our time reading through the Psalms as a church. Many in our church family have read the daily devotion, Deeply Rooted, along with hearing teaching each Sunday morning through the Psalms. It has been a meaningful experience, reminding me of other times I found myself pouring over the Psalms.
Be Careful Of Council Road
“Be Careful of Council Road,” My coworker told me with a raised eyebrow. I had visited one of Council Road’s young adult home groups only once, but the church’s reputation preceded them even now. My co-worker shared comical stories of the church’s youth group getting kicked out of church camp and other stories which blurred the line between legendary and tall tale. This mysterious congregation had a long-known reputation for “doing its own thing” and “making its own rules.” The unusual caution came to me six years ago when I was first visiting Council Road. I’ve now come to uncover the truth of this rule-breaking house of worship—My discoveries are logged below.
Caring for Those Who Once Cared For Us
Many people get to the point in life where they become caretakers for those who used to take care of them. We asked members of our church walking this path right now or recently having walked this path to share some of their reflections and thoughts about this with the blog. We are so grateful for their vulnerability and honesty. We ask that you take the time to read all of these responses and reflect on how you can support and love your community members that are current caretakers as well as those they care for.
Orphan Care & The Church
Becoming parents and raising children is challenging. It requires patience, compassion, flexibility, discipline, and all the fruits of the Spirit! Growing a family through adoption brings a unique set of challenges that the average family does not have to deal with, leading to many questions. As Merritt and I took steps toward adoption, we sought the counsel and wisdom of many who had gone before us and we will continue to go to them as we raise our twins.
How Holiday Shopping Changed Our Lives: Our Adoption Story
Have you ever met people who became a family, in part because of how other people did their holiday shopping? Take a look at our picture above, because that is our story.
My husband, Ryan, and I began our adoption journey in early 2020. After researching and praying through avenues to grow our family, we felt an overwhelming peace about pursuing private infant adoption through Deaconess Pregnancy and Adoption. There was just one big glaring issue: finances!
Our Default to Sameness
Souper Time
The Table Is Set
Do you have something that just makes your heart happy? While we love preparing and
enjoying delicious food, a thoughtfully set table makes our hearts skip a beat. Some might think
it’s not their gifting or that they don’t have the resources to set a lovely table, but sometimes
simplicity and using what you already have is the way to go.