Tulsa Race Massacre

Tulsa Race Massacre

I first learned about the Tulsa Race Massacre in college. Even then it was called the Tulsa Race “Riot”, and this one word difference reframes the way we approach the story. We must see this as an event that represents the power inequality, injustice, and trauma of its day. I am not an expert on this event or the historical and current oppression of black people in this country. What I can tell you as a therapist is that when I read accounts of that day and the events leading up to it, I can’t help but see the flames of trauma heating up the situation like the sun heats up an Oklahoma summer.

The Light

The Light

Like most of the world, a little over a year ago, I left my job on March 13th (do I even have to write the year 2020? It will be infamous…) with rumors of an extended spring break due to COVID. Little did I know, when I said goodbye to my students that day, it ended up being our final day together. I know we all have a lot of feelings when we reflect on the past year and all that it brought.

Sacred Seasons

Sacred Seasons

I didn’t grow up paying much attention to Pentecost, but embracing sacred seasons like Advent and Lent (celebrating, meditating on and mourning key events in Jesus’ life) as more than a single event holiday has become a special part of my entire year. Honoring these seasons are not forced out of legalism, but given to us by God’s grace. In His sovereignty, God knows that we need intentional times of quiet reflection and regular reminders of His faithfulness, otherwise one day flows into the next month, into the next year.

Motherhood: Works in Progress

Motherhood: Works in Progress

I imagine the word “Mother” evokes different emotions for all. There may be fond or painful memories attached to the title--a sense of loss, a longing, or even an indifference. I am so fortunate to have an incredible mother who inspires and challenges me to be better and more like Christ by the way she lives and who has also become one of my best friends. I am constantly amazed and humbled by how she still finds ways to serve my sisters and I as we are raising our own families. When we had our family business, she also became a stand-in mother to several of our employees, many of whom were going through major life events or hardships. Years after she is done raising her own children, she still finds ways to be used in that capacity and is beloved by all who know her.

Missional Motherhood

Missional Motherhood

Gloria Furman hits home again with another book on motherhood. However, unlike her book Treasuring Christ When Your Hands Are Full, Missional Motherhood is not so much about the nitty, gritty of day to day life in motherhood. We find a revealing statement in the Introduction: “The aim in Missional Motherhood is to give you laser focus on what God’s word says about his mission, how motherhood fits in to that, and what Christ has done to fuel and fulfill our everyday ministry as moms” (p.17). She states a few times in her book that this concept is not just for women with children in their home but “the spiritual motherhood of making disciples of all nations” (p. 24). This is for all women!

Mission Partner: Andrea Tompkins of CRU

Mission Partner: Andrea Tompkins of CRU

Andrea serves on the Executive Team of the High School ministry of CRU (formerly Campus Crusade for Christ), along with her husband of almost 18 years, Tyrone. They have two amazing kids, Isabelle (or Izzy, cutest nickname ever!) who is 8 and LT who is 2.

Find out her advice on connecting with teenagers and what her calling to ministry looked like, as well as her story with infertility, race and ministry...and of course, what books are on her nightstand!

Mission Partner: Sarah

Mission Partner: Sarah

Sarah recently moved to Southeast Asia as a church planter with her husband of nearly 16 years, Sam, and their 3 amazing children (ages 13, 11 and 4). She is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and hosts the Red Button Podcast which focuses on sharing real life stories with a Mental Health Practitioner. They also welcomed a new member of the family into their home a few weeks ago...an adorable and fluffy puppy! I have changed their names and won’t be showing any pictures of their faces to protect their ministry, but I think you’ll love getting to know “Sarah” through her voice and perspective.

Mission Partner: Morgan Shillow and St. Paul's Community School

Mission Partner: Morgan Shillow and St. Paul's Community School

Morgan Shillow is the Head of School at St.Paul’s Community School (SPCS), a new school and CRBC Mission Partner that provides an accessible, affordable and classical Christian education on the south side of OKC. She can actually see the school from her house, where she lives with her husband of 7 years, Chauncey, and their two boys, Joshua (4) and Malachi (1).