I'm really excited for the upcoming Spring season for several reasons. First, who doesn't love the Spring time?! The warmer weather and budding flowers and trees are something I always look forward to. Second, this season is going to be bustling with opportunities for our CRBC women to connect with one another and grow in their relationship with our Gracious God.
6 Ways You Can Get Missional This Month
One of the things I love most about our church is how we embrace seasons: Advent, Lent, summer camps, and even the launch of new ministries (such as the fantastic Women’s Ministry Launch last week!) September brings with it a new season, Missions Month, and a time for our church to intentionally focus our hearts on the mission and work God has called us to do.
THE BIG REVEAL: What’s Ahead for Council Road Women
Were you at THE BIG REVEAL: Women’s Ministry Launch last night? It was incredible!
Tabletops filled with donated Back to School Supplies, Taylor White’s gorgeous new logo and stage design, crazy cool artwork by Bethany Davidson, uniquely decorated tables, Makenzie Magnus sharing her heart and showing us how to live missional, the unveiling of our awesome new website, councilroadwomen.org, (designed by the innnnncredible Chelsea Metcalf), and wall-to-wall women everywhere!