
The Night You Will NOT Want to Miss

The Night You Will NOT Want to Miss

Are you ever so excited about something that you think you just might bust? Like if someone could look inside your anticipation they’d see a 5-year old version of a Christmas jammie clad you, jumping up and down on her parent’s bed in hopes of waking them so you can please oh please oh please finally open your Christmas presents? Well, that’s how I feel about our Fall Women’s Ministry Launch!

Better Together

Better Together

We gathered together around the table, five times a day. Making it through the grueling re-feeding process in my anorexia recovery would have been impossible without the community of these ladies journeying with me through treatment at the Laureate Hospital in Tulsa. Alone, I was weak and unable to finish what seemed like an impossible task in front of me. Together, through tears, encouragement…

Spring 2018 Women's Events

Spring 2018 Women's Events

I'm really excited for the upcoming Spring season for several reasons. First, who doesn't love the Spring time?! The warmer weather and budding flowers and trees are something I always look forward to. Second, this season is going to be bustling with opportunities for our CRBC women to connect with one another and grow in their relationship with our Gracious God.