Miles to Millie: An Interview with Katie Harder


Each November our church recognizes the orphan crisis with what we call Orphan Sunday, a day to shed light on the need for foster and adoptive families, as well as on how we can respond. For me, nothing is better than a story to make my heart tender and head spin with ways to help. Recently, I sat down with my friend and adoptive mom, Katie Harder, to hear her story of how God brought their precious daughter, Millie, home—from China to Oklahoma.

Katie and her husband, Matt, were completely content and busy raising their two boys, barely a year apart, when God interrupted her thoughts one day while driving to the gym. She clearly remembers God bringing to her mind the vision of a daughter and she was suddenly filled with desire to raise the daughter she knew was “out there“ somewhere. 

Immediately tears filled her eyes and she wondered if she was imagining things. Katie called her sister and explained what God had just laid on her heart, hoping she would talk her out of it, but was only confirmed that this sounded like God’s will. She found herself later that day telling her husband about this sacred moment in her car, again, thinking someone would talk her out of it, yet he also agreed that they should pursue adopting a daughter. 

Katie explains that the fear she initially felt melted away with each and every step of the adoption process. God confirmed over and over that He was one hundred percent guiding them and He amazingly provided every penny they needed for an international adoption. As they went through the adoption steps, God also made it clear that the daughter they were waiting for had been diagnosed with Downs Syndrome. Even this detail revealed to them God's sovereign plan, as Matt is a special education teacher whose training has been so helpful in knowing exactly what their daughter needs. 

In May of 2019, Katie and Matt made the long journey from Oklahoma to China, going miles to get Millie and bring her home. Since being home, Katie has been blown away by how natural it all feels, like Millie has been theirs from day one. Her sweet brothers are completely taken with their forever sister, and her ear-to-ear grin reveals that the feeling is mutual. 

Katie has been overwhelmed by the reality that had they listened to fear, rather than the Lord, they would have missed this incredible experience. Their lives have been dramatically changed by the joy that Millie brings into their home and hearts! 

I hope you will listen to this entire interview with Katie here . And for more adoption stories in honor of Orphan Sunday, check out these other episodes on the Uniquely Beautiful Stories Podcast: Daysha (Ep. 2), Kendra Crabtree (Ep. 20), Julie Moore (Ep. 21) and Carisa Wilsie (Ep. 27) . Together, let’s support foster and adoptive families this month. One great way is by shopping with a purpose at The Gift Goes On, November 19th, where at least 20% of every sale goes to the  Karis Adoption Fund, helping families of faith with adoption finances! For more info see


Meet the Author!

Heather McAnear is a wife, mom, author and speaker with a passion for sharing God's truth to help women understand their uniquely beautiful design and how to use it for God's glory! In fact, Heather hosts the Uniquely Beautiful Stories podcast on iTunes in hopes do just that! She loves teaching young married couples with her husband, homeschooling their three children, traveling the world, enjoying good chocolate and long conversations in coffee shops. CRBC has been her church home for two decades and she is thrilled to be part of the Women's Ministry team, helping women connect with each other and grow in their walk with Jesus!