Marinate on This

Summertime marks the time of year where we prefer to turn off our ovens and fire up the grill. Fresh vegetables and fruits abound, allowing us to savor them in their raw state or perhaps cooked over an open flame. It’s a no fuss season when it comes to cooking or meal planning, and we certainly prefer for our protein to be just as simple and flavorful as the produce we are enjoying. 

A tried and true recipe for our family is a simple marinade that works well on chicken or steak. It has a perfect balance of sweet and sour with a Hawaiian flare to it.

Combine equal parts brown sugar, soy sauce, and pineapple juice and cover your protein with the mixture in the fridge (24 hours for chicken and 48 hours for steak). 6 oz cans of pineapple juice are available at several stores in a 6 pack. One can yields 3/4 cup so you can base your other measurements off that. Just make sure your marinade covers the meat completely.

Cook your preferred protein on the grill and enjoy with a number of complimentary sides. Possible options include coconut rice, wild rice, grilled veggies or kabobs, baked or mashed potatoes, lemon spaghetti, or another favorite pasta, cobb or market salad, etc. Go ahead and dine al fresco. Enjoy!

At the end of the day, people are honored to be invited around your table, sharing a meal with you and others. Whether your table is set or not, don’t hesitate to create community in this way by opening up your home. You will find it life giving and rewarding.


Meet the Author!

Megan Mathews is a former art teacher who now fills her days with teaching and loving on her three children.  She enjoys using her art background on various design projects.  Megan adores time with her husband, Sundays with her family, good coffee and cuisine, quiet moments in creation, and making memories with her littles.