Covid has scattered the local church.
The initial need to socially distance and stay safely at home in our jammies to watch worship services online has had far-reaching implications, many of which have not been positive.
Not regularly gathering together for worship made it easy for members to disconnect from their church community, get used to not being part of corporate worship, passively listen online and even stop listening at all. Eventually this led to many people feeling out of the loop with what is happening within their own church, to stop attending entirely and to get spiritually lazy. Others responded by “trying out” different churches and leaving the church communities they once considered family. These things have weakened our churches as a whole.
So… If you are still joining us at the CouncilRoadWomen blog, please allow me to say thank you. We are deeply grateful that you are here and passionately pray that you will be encouraged and brought closer to Jesus because you have chosen to engage with us. We love to hear your feedback and would love to hear more from you regularly regarding your thoughts on what we write about and your suggestions for future topics, book reviews, and more.
Second, I urge you to go all in when it comes to engaging with your local church community (which I fervently hope is Council Road!). Make attending regularly, giving faithfully, being actively involved, and serving alongside other members a priority. If you are part of the CRBC family, know that we are crazy grateful that you are continuing to choose us as family. And, if we really are a church “family”...let’s act like it! Let’s be faithful members of a smaller class or homegroup. Share your heart, life, struggles and joys with them. Pursue them so that they feel seen and known and loved. Don’t just quietly come in and out, but share yourself (your time, resources, and talents). Actively encourage and serve one another. Celebrate and cry together. Lean forward to listen well to godly teaching and seek God’s discernment on how to practically apply it. Purposely welcome new people, worship and serve together, and be committed to helping others grow in their faith. Close your eyes and let the worship service song lyrics wash over you as you sing your heart out and be encouraged by being surrounded by other voices doing the same. Let’s love each other well and truly live life together. That is Heaven on earth!
Even when things like worldwide pandemics interrupt your church attendance, do everything within your power to faithfully hear and apply sound teaching, to creatively and regularly connect with and serve fellow church members. Fervently fight the tendency to disconnect and instead draw closer. Let’s not scatter, but go all in and be a family others want to join!
Our Women’s Ministry has some incredible opportunities coming up! If you’re available on Thursday mornings, we will be starting a very exciting Bible Study on January 6th--He Is Where the Joy Is: Getting to Know the Captivating God of the Trinity by Tara Leigh-Cobble. In over 40 years of doing weekly Bible study with women, I have never done a series on the Trinity, so I am truly excited! You can find info and register now at Children’s programming is available.
Our first in what seems like forever CRBC Women’s Retreat will be March 4-5 @ CRBC! We are particularly excited about the theme - His Purpose: Allowing God to Use All of Your Story. Plans are underway now for this to be a hugely inspirational weekend with panels and workshops by CRBC women. Watch for details soon at!
We are so glad you are part of our family online and in person!
Meet the Author!
Bible teacher, author, inspirational speaker and disciple-maker, Vickey Banks is passionate about helping women connect the dots between God’s Word and their everyday lives. She loves serving as Women’s Ministry Director at Council Road, celebrating her people, playing with her puppy and getting lost in a good story.