Why I Say “Yes!" to Women’s Bible Study
Trusting God Through All The Changes
It's really hard to trust God when you don’t know what is coming next. I am a planner; I like to have control over the things in my life. It can be really difficult when I have to relinquish control or admit to myself I never had as much control as I thought I did. The last few years have been a journey of learning how to trust God when he calls me to new seasons of life.
To Everything There is a Season
Seasons of Change
Change. I don’t know why for many of us our gut instinct is to resist change, and we may feel a negative twinge when we know it is inevitable. I think it often happens before we are even born, or it certainly seemed to for my first-born child. He was due July 27 and didn’t decide to make his entry into the world until August 7th on a very hot Oklahoma summer day with the temperatures hitting over 100 degrees. His father and I were on our knees praying the night before that he would decide on his exit strategy or the next day the doctor was going to make the decision for him. And it worked!!
A Stewardship Journey
During my childhood, stewardship discussions at my church primarily centered around finances. Therefore, I grew up believing that being responsible with money equated to good stewardship. However, as I matured, I gained a deeper understanding. According to the Holman Bible Dictionary, stewardship is utilizing and managing all resources God provides for the glory of God and the betterment of His creation.
How to Look In Seasons of Service
Be A Witness
If you grew up in church like me, you may have vivid memories of Wednesday night visitation times, going door to door telling the people in the community about Jesus, or even Sunday night discipleship classes learning how to share the Gospel. I remember watching the adults I was with seem so comfortable doing this and thinking I would never be able to share Jesus like they do. Or, maybe you didn’t grow up around that and feel ill prepared to share your faith. Or, maybe you are new to your own walk with God and don’t think you have anything worthwhile to share with others yet because you are just now learning it all yourself.