How Do You Study The Bible: An Interview With Millicent Gillogly

How Do You Study The Bible: An Interview With Millicent Gillogly

What is your personal Bible study like right now? Do you feel fulfilled and drawn closer to the Lord through time in scripture? Barely squeaking out 10 minutes of Bible reading in a week? Stuck in a passage that you can’t for the life of you understand? This week’s interview is with a woman who would relate to all of these sentiments: Millicent Gillogly.

The Blessing of Table Groups

The Blessing of Table Groups

Where would I be without Table groups at Council Road? Table groups are truly one of the best parts of our Women’s Ministry, if you ask me. You might be asking yourself, what is a “Table Group?” A table group is a small group of women that meet monthly for 6 months in their leader’s home. Table groups have been so beneficial to me for so many reasons.

How Do You Study The Bible: An Interview With Miranda Toland

How Do You Study The Bible: An Interview With Miranda Toland

Living in community means we get to see how other believers live out a Christ centered life. When we see other women prioritizing and valuing the study of God’s Word, it helps us to see how it can fit into our lives. Interviewing women in our church about their Bible study has given me some great encouragement in that: 1) There are creative ways to keep God’s Word in front of us during busy seasons, and 2) Many women in our church take the study of God’s Word seriously.

How Do You Study The Bible: An Interview With Kara Conner

How Do You Study The Bible: An Interview With Kara Conner

This summer I got to interview several amazing women from our church that are in different life stages. I had asked the blog team if we could do some digging into the way women are studying the Bible at CRBC. There was a selfish motive in asking to do this as I have a two month old and need ideas as to how I can effectively study God’s Word in my new season. It is hard when we have life shifts, to either stick with our current study or to find an effective new process.

Overcoming Evil

Overcoming Evil

Two weeks ago, I was held at gunpoint by two men.  

Six days later, Pastor Rick asked at the start of his sermon on Revelation 13, “Do you believe there is such a thing as evil in the world today?” Through tears, I thought, Yes. I stared it in the face. The sermon ultimately culminated with our great hope that God is in control. Eternal Victory is the Lord’s. 

The Ten Commandments for a Modern World

The Ten Commandments for a Modern World

I have a bad habit of signing up for things before I really know what’s going on. Like Vickey’s book study this summer—I signed up simply because I had never done a Jen Wilkin study (we are reading Ten Words to Live By.) Lo and behold, I get the book and it’s on the Ten Commandments! Whaaa?! Why did I sign up for a study on something so ancient—I had a brief flash of Charleton Heston playing Moses with the stone tablets and horrible special effects created by 1956 Hollywood. What was the likelihood of any massive new insight emerging on this particular topic?