The Blessing of Table Groups

Where would I be without Table groups at Council Road? Table groups are truly one of the best parts of our Women’s Ministry, if you ask me. You might be asking yourself, what is a “Table Group?” A table group is a small group of women that meet monthly for six months in their leader’s home. Table groups have been so beneficial to me for so many reasons. 

What comes to mind is the opportunity to meet women whom I have never met before or only briefly know. I have been at Council Road for 11 years and I am still meeting women who have been members for even longer than I! Table groups led me to get to know Millicent Gillogly and Stacee Goetzinger. Those relationships are so dear to me and would have never happened had table groups not existed. I love how table groups are multigenerational. I love learning from women who are seasons ahead of me as well as those who are younger than me. 

As I am writing this blog post, a friend in a past table group messaged our group for prayer. Table groups cultivate community, which I am really passionate about. When you gather around the table you slow down, share a meal with women who become friends, and have the opportunity to share your story and hear theirs. Having women you can be vulnerable with and share prayer requests is a gift! My heart is always full when I drive home from table groups! 

I have really enjoyed, as a leader, seeing women step out of their comfort zone and be a part of a group. Multiple times I have heard women say that they were so thankful they took the time out of their busy schedule to invest in friendships at Council Road and their relationship with God. For some, it isn’t natural to share parts of their life or be with those whom they do not know. What a blessing it is to see friendships form amongst the group! I have been so encouraged in my own walk with the Lord when I get to hear how God is working in the lives of those in our group. 

This Fall our table groups will resume again. We would love for you to join us! It’s a blessing to think that our table group from one year ago still meets! What a special place those women in that group and all the groups have in my heart.  I would love for you to have that opportunity. 

Meet the Author!

Kelly is a wife to Austin and a stay at home mom to two children. Her most recent venture is a charcuterie board business, Boards By Kelly. She enjoys traveling and spending quality time with friends and family.