What's In A Name

What's In A Name

You“ shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the LORD will not hold him guiltless who takes his name in vain.” - Exodus 20:7

Do you know the meaning of your name? I took a deep dive into my name one summer in college and, honestly, really struggled with it. I felt like I was the opposite of what my name meant. So, I took some time to really ask the Lord to give me peace about my name, to help me find ownership in it and what it meant as I pursued looking more like Christ. 

Modern-Day Idols

Modern-Day Idols

I honestly can’t remember the first time I heard the Ten Commandments. Raised in church, no doubt I was taught in Sunday School of Moses’ delivery of those holy words straight from the Lord, carved on stone by His own Hand, and taken to the Israelites (who were literally  breaking every command…but that’s another story).  As an adult, I have read and studied Exodus 20:1-17 many times, yet just recently learned that Rabbis call the ‘Ten Commandments’ the ‘Ten Words’, since the Hebrew text says, “and God spoke all these words…” (Exodus 20:1). 

A Church Family

A Church Family

What does it mean to be a church family? The week I moved to Oklahoma for my sophomore year of college was the same month my parents made the move from Kansas to Arizona. I went from living 30 minutes away from my parents to 8 hours away from them. I hardly knew anyone in Oklahoma when I took that leap to move to the place where my then boyfriend (now husband) grew up & wanted to come back to.

Reflections from a CRBC Lifer

Reflections from a CRBC Lifer

Except for a few years living out of state, I have been a member at Council Road Baptist Church since 1969. In fact, sometimes I think I was born in the Chapel because one of my earliest memories in life is sitting in the gold pews counting the spokes in the light fixtures in the ceiling (that are still there) while Pastor Wilhoite preached. In the second grade, I played The Old Rugged Cross on the organ for a Sunday night offertory. Sharon Panick, our organist at the time, made sure the settings were correct before I climbed up on the bench to begin. The organ sat behind a wooden divider, and mom said the only thing you could see was the big, pink bow in my hair as I played. Years later, Sharon also catered Dave’s and my wedding reception in Fellowship Hall. And the reason I played the organ is because CRBC’s first foreign missionaries, Dr. Bill and Leslie Williams, left their organ with my family when they moved to Nigeria. I am thankful for the way families in our church become intertwined throughout the generations.