New Year, New Normal

New Year, New Normal

I feel like a broken record, but when Covid-19 impacted our world last March, I wasn’t prepared to still be talking about it almost a year later. At least the first several months of 2021 will be touched by safety measures, vaccinations, and other things that have become a “new normal”. What if we looked for hard-won treasures in a hard-lived year that we could adopt as part of our new normal?

How Will You Read the Bible in 2021?

How Will You Read the Bible in 2021?

Sometimes, what sounds like a good idea is actually divine inspiration. I honestly didn’t want to join our church’s “Read Through the Bible in 1 Year” plan. I prefer reading shorter amounts and spending more time focusing on them, but I wanted to support what the church was doing and I believe in the value of reading through Scripture.

Have a Very Merry Covid Christmas

When I think back to New Year’s Eve 2019, it feels like another lifetime. Had you shown me a picture of people shopping while wearing masks and face shields, I might have assumed it was a scene from a sci-fi movie. Mention spending months in quarantine, worshipping via Live Stream, navigating Zoom meetings and Easter at home, and I might have assumed the world was coming to an end.