New Year, New Normal
I feel like a broken record, but when Covid-19 impacted our world last March, I wasn’t prepared to still be talking about it almost a year later. At least the first several months of 2021 will be touched by safety measures, vaccinations, and other things that have become a “new normal”. What if we looked for hard-won treasures in a hard-lived year that we could adopt as part of our new normal?
How Will You Read the Bible in 2021?
Sometimes, what sounds like a good idea is actually divine inspiration. I honestly didn’t want to join our church’s “Read Through the Bible in 1 Year” plan. I prefer reading shorter amounts and spending more time focusing on them, but I wanted to support what the church was doing and I believe in the value of reading through Scripture.
Hanging by a Monkey Bar
Last Minute Stocking Stuffers
Things to Remember in a Year You Might Like to Forget
Have a Very Merry Covid Christmas
When I think back to New Year’s Eve 2019, it feels like another lifetime. Had you shown me a picture of people shopping while wearing masks and face shields, I might have assumed it was a scene from a sci-fi movie. Mention spending months in quarantine, worshipping via Live Stream, navigating Zoom meetings and Easter at home, and I might have assumed the world was coming to an end.