What Will You Be Reading?: Books to Love in 2020

What Will You Be Reading?: Books to Love in 2020

What will you read in 2020? The world of books and reading is so difficult for me to write about for two reasons: One, I love it deeply so it feels nearly impossible to narrow my sentiments into words. Two, it is entirely subjective (what I love might bore you to tears and vice versa!)

Red, Green and Post-Christmas Blues

Red, Green and Post-Christmas Blues

As I write this, it’s a mere few days after Christmas and I’m already seeing it: the post-Christmas blues. Instagram posts of Christmas decor abound with captions already lamenting the day it will have to be put away. Some are sad for the kids to have to go back to school (though I suspect some are not).

Reflecting & Resolving

Reflecting & Resolving

In January 2016, my whole life shifted. I had just graduated college, accepted a job in “the Big City”, and was coming out of a season of sin. After my parents helped me settle into my new apartment and I hugged them goodbye, I sat alone in my new place. The unfamiliar sound of heavy traffic and uncomfortably close neighbors failed to drown out the wrestling within my mind.

Is 2020 Your Year to Read Through the Bible?

Is 2020 Your Year to Read Through the Bible?

I have a confession to make. I have never read through the entire Bible in a year. I hope you do not judge me too quickly for that statement. I think the idea of reading through my Bible in one year has always seemed daunting. And knowing myself, I’d fizzle out by March, and by June I would be so far behind that I would give up.

Calling Jesus

Calling Jesus

Did you know that some scholars have located over 700 different titles and names in the Bible for God's one and only Son? Of course these names weren’t all recorded on Jesus’ official birth certificate. His childhood friends didn’t ask if the “Prince of Peace” could come out to play. His siblings didn’t call Him “Faithful and True”. And I’m confident His coworkers never yelled, “King of Kings and Lord of Lords” when trying to get His attention or saw that title written on His business card.