Is 2020 Your Year to Read Through the Bible?


I have a confession to make. I have never read through the entire Bible in a year. I hope you do not judge me too quickly for that statement. I think the idea of reading through my Bible in one year has always seemed daunting. And knowing myself, I’d fizzle out by March, and by June I would be so far behind that I would give up. The list is a mile long of excuses for not reading through the Bible in a year. But let me encourage you (and myself) with three reasons for why 2020 is the year for us to commit to reading through the entire Bible.

  1. The ENTIRE Council Road Baptist church will be reading through the same plan! We all need encouragement and support in reaching our goals. What better way to read through the Bible than with every other member of your church? I am excited to see where this leads me in my own devotional life, and I am anticipating insightful feedback from our ministerial staff regarding specific sections in the Bible throughout the year. The idea of joining hundreds of other believers in reading through the Bible is exciting and energizing. Just imagine the conversations that will flow because we are all reading the same Scripture daily!

  2. Since our weekly sermon topics will be taken from our assigned reading, we can be better prepared to engage with the material before we arrive on Sunday. As a college professor, I expect my students to come prepared to class every day, having read the material assigned for that day. By reading our upcoming sermon passages throughout the week, we will be able to have a broader understanding of the material presented each Sunday. How thrilling to know that we can all better prepare for our weekly meetings together!

  3. It is time to read through all of Leviticus and Numbers (two of the more challenging to read books in the Old Testament). Honestly, this has been one of my major deterrents to reading every word of Scripture. Anyone that has read Genesis to Revelation undoubtedly has claimed that Leviticus and Numbers were challenging to get through. However, these two books offer information that is paramount to the rest of Scripture. It is difficult for us to understand cultural dynamics when reading these books on our own. But again, reading through these texts with our entire church will provide theological understanding that may be missed on our own.

Let me give you three ways to stay engaged with the reading plan throughout the year.

  1. Alternate between reading and listening to Scripture. There are many options for audio bible readings now, and I recommend the NIV dramatized reading through Bible Gateway ( By utilizing both written and audio translations, you can stay engaged with a fresh approach to Scripture every day.

  2. Partner with a friend to keep you on track. Accountability will help you meet your weekly goals. Engaging with a friend through Scripture will deepen, not only your friendship, but your relationship with God. As you discuss weekly or monthly insights, you will be challenged in your understanding of God’s Word.

  3. Utilize the weekly blog that will be published from our staff to help you stay focused on your goals. This blog will provide insights and truths in Scripture that you may never have studied, so allow this resource to propel you forward in your reading. You may sign up for the Reading Plan at and there’s a link on that page to join the blog or Facebook reading and discussion group.

We can do it! Be encouraged that you are not alone on this journey. Join hundreds of others in reading through the Bible in 2020. You will not regret it!

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Meet the Author!

Kim Arnold has been a church member of Council Road Baptist Church for nearly 25 years. She teaches private piano lessons in her studio and at Mid-America Christian University. Her passion lies in training up the next generation of worship leaders. Kim and her husband Jason have been married for 17 years and have a 12-year old son, Nolan.


Kim Arnold

Kim has been a member of Council Road for 33 years, where she loves singing in the choir and helping lead worship on Sunday mornings. She just received her Ph.D. from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in the degree of Church Music and Worship. Kim stepped out of higher education after 20 years and now works in her family’s business of group employee benefits. Jason and Kim have been married for 23 years and have one son, Nolan (if you don’t know him, you’re missing out!) The Arnold family loves to travel and hike in God’s creation.