Pilates and Pancakes: A Balanced Perspective
September 26 is National Pancake (i.e. hotcake, griddle cake, flapjack) Day. Not sure who decides these national and international obscure food holidays, but I would love to hug their necks. Who am I to go against what those who have gone before me and deemed worthy of celebrating? I say hand me a whisk and some Maple syrup and point me to the griddle.
Encouragement in the Valley
Hiking isn’t that hard, right? It’s basically just walking, and I walk everyday, so I can totally do this. This is what I kept telling myself as my trip to hike the Grand Canyon from rim to rim in one day (roughly 26 miles with 4,000 ft of elevation lost and then gained) came closer and closer on the calendar.
How to Love Someone with (or Caring for) Alzheimer’s
Alzheimer's Awareness Month is the international campaign every September to raise awareness and challenge the stigma that surrounds dementia. Based on recent studies, 1 in 10 Americans will develop Alzheimer's, so chances are that you or someone close to you is walking through life with a loved one suffering from loss of memory and other heartbreaking side effects.
When Pain is Your Teacher
My mom has given me a lot of good advice over the years. Some of my favorites include making sure I’m careful walking in the mall parking lot (even if it’s at 2 PM in broad daylight) and teaching me the value of blush. (My skin tone is classified as “porcelain” which is the nice way of saying “ghost-like,” so blush is definitely a necessity for me.)
What My Preschooler is Teaching Me
I have worked with kids for years (and particularly preschoolers), but things got real when my own daughter turned three. Lyla, my daughter, has taught me a lot in the last three and a half years. Some lessons have been easier than others. Like that I really can’t draw Elsa very well or that coffee can be reheated an infinite amount of times. Some lessons have been harder to swallow.
Surviving Suicide
September is National Suicide Prevention month. Thinking my life experiences have made me somewhat of an expert in that area, I was asked to address the subject of suicide. I agreed, but not because I am an expert in the prevention of suicide. After all, if I were an expert in preventing suicide, I wouldn’t have this story to tell.
Developing A Love for Reading
I was hanging out with a friend when she asked a tough question. I didn’t know how to answer. The thought ran through my head, “What if I’m judged based on my answer?” I wrestled in my mind with what to say for what felt like forever. Maybe I’m thinking through this too much? I knew I had to respond. Finally, I answered: “Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire by Jim Cymbala”.