The Creative Declutterer: An Interview With Sara Crawford



Meet the multi-faceted Sara Crawford! She is hugely creative, warm and personable, yet has a perfectionist tendency and some serious organizational chops. Because of her unique gift mix, we wanted to get her insight on corralling our clutter in 2018.


Northwest Oklahoma City native, Sara Crawford, is a wife and mother to 5-year-old twins, Grady and Wren. She spends her time bringing order to chaos but not without intermittently breaking to unleash her creative side. She can most likely be found working out with the regulars at her local YMCA, volunteering at her kiddos' school, serving on the CRBC worship team, or vacationing at Target. She and her husband, Tom, have been married for 12 years and have been active CRBC members for 11 years.


Let's Chat!

VICKEY: Most members will recognize your face as the girl with the gorgeous voice who often helps lead us in worship on Sunday mornings. How else do you express your artsy/creative side?

SARA: I create hand-lettered artistic chalkboards for any and every occasion (back-to-school, baby showers, my home, church events, etc.). I also like to practice hand-lettering with all types of pens/markers. I color and create with my kiddos and draw fun things for them on their lunch sacks. I recently made big 3D paper poinsettias and roses as fun gift toppers instead of the usual bow. I’ll pretty much try my hand at any craft no matter the medium.

V: As a young mom who loves to create in such a wide variety of ways, it wouldn’t be surprising if you lived in a constantly messy house littered with craft supplies, half finished projects and toys scattered everywhere. However, I know that isn’t the case!

S: No, it is not! I have a general rule that if we’re finished working on a project or playing with a toy, we clean it up before moving onto something else.

V: Where would you suggest someone start when they feel their entire home needs decluttering?

S: First, make a list of what areas in your home and digital world need overhauling. Writing it all out helps get it out of your brain, turning it from a passing thought into a plan. Rank your list by importance – what needs addressing urgently vs. what can wait.

If the size of the project is too overwhelming, break it up into phases. For example, today I’m going to handle dresser drawers. Tomorrow I’ll tackle the shoes.

V: That sounds good. What are your top 3 Tips for maintaining a clutter-free home?

S: 1) Do some form of regular purging. At least once a season, purge your most needed area. In your daily life, if you come across anything that doesn’t serve a purpose for you any longer or you haven’t used it in quite some time, bag it up and move it out! Keep a box or bag in your garage for purged items and when it’s full, donate it/trash it. If you find a duplication of something you have (like two can openers), pick the one that serves you best and donate the other.

2) Invest in some bins, storage containers, and a label maker and use them! If your things have a specific clearly labeled place, you and your family are more likely to return them to their rightful spot and you’ll be able to find what you need easier.

3) Sign up for digital statements on as many accounts as you can (if you feel comfortable doing so). This will severely cut down on the amount of paperwork you receive. If you need a hard copy of a statement at any point, you can always log into your account and print it. Follow the “touch it once” principal by sorting the mail right away and discarding the junk immediately. Clutter and piles happen when we set something down because we don’t know what to do with it or we don’t feel like dealing with it right then. You end up spending twice as much time dealing with it because you still have to go back to it later after it has turned into a bigger issue.

V: Thanks Sara! Such great, practical advice. And to everyone reading... Happy decluttering!


Meet the Author!

Bible teacher, author, inspirational speaker and disciple-maker, Vickey Banks is passionate about helping women connect the dots between God’s Word and their everyday lives. She loves serving as Women’s Ministry Director at Council Road, celebrating her people, playing with her puppy and getting lost in a good story.