As I was scrolling through my Facebook feed last night, I caught a glimpse of a friend who has been going through a difficult season. Not only has her family moved so they could take care of her aging father-in-law, but she has small children at home, is attending seminary and overseeing a non-profit ministry. In her post, she said:
“I woke up this morning with a mile long to-do list, not feeling great, and just needing the Lord in a bad way. I decided to grab some lunch and was worshipping while waiting in line. I told the Lord I needed a pick-me-up, a reminder that He sees me in the middle of the craziness that has been the last week (and honestly most of 2017). When I pulled up to pay, the man at the window said, ‘Yours has already been paid for.’ An ugly cry may or may not have followed. It was a beautiful reminder that my debt has already been paid for in so many ways by my Jesus. And yet, He sent someone to pay for my lunch today too, just to remind me that He sees the sorrow and hears the prayers of His people. So, to the person in the car ahead of me, thanks for your kindness. And to the One who paid it all, thanks for your grace.”
Beautifully said and a beautiful reminder of why we believe in Solus Christus—Christ Alone. As one of the pillars of the reformation, we should stand firm in our belief that Jesus was the Son of God and that He alone was the atoning sacrifice that paid for your sin and mine.
In light of the current CRBC sermon series on the Five Solas, here are 5 “believe” statements on Solus Christus and why these are an important foundation to the faith for you and me.
1. I believe Jesus was fully God.
He is the incarnation of God, the exact representation of God in human flesh. Jesus is eternal and was present at the time of creation. He was not a man who became a god (little g), but God (big G) who became man. As women, we must grasp this concept so we can understand the holiness of Jesus and worship Him.
2. I believe Jesus was fully human.
Not only is Jesus the fullness of God, He is the fullness of humanity. As women, you can take heart that Jesus knows what it is like to suffer, to feel pain, to have emotions and to demonstrate intellect.
3. I believe Jesus atoned for our sin.
Only Jesus was the perfect sacrifice to satisfy our penalty of sin. Both the love of God and the justice of God are displayed in the atonement. Just as my friend experienced the gift of a stranger who paid for her meal, you can experience eternal life because Christ alone redeemed you with His sacrifice on the cross.
4. I believe Jesus is alive.
Christ experienced humiliation and suffering on the cross, but He was exalted through His resurrection. His resurrection was not just simply coming back from the dead, but the resurrection is a new kind of life, an eternal life without weakness, aging, or death. As women, we can take heart in the promise of eternal life through Christ when we fully trust and make Him Lord of our life. Hallelujah we won’t need anti-aging moisturizer in heaven!
5. I believe Jesus is returning.
Jesus gave instructions to His disciples that He would physically and visibly return to gather the saints and reign forever. As women, we must also follow these instructions—waiting with hope on His return, yet actively spreading the good news of the Gospel and making disciples. How are you actively making disciples and sharing your faith?
“There in the ground His body lay,
Light of the world by darkness slain;
Then bursting forth in glorious day,
Up from the grave He rose again!
And as He stands in victory,
Sin’s curse has lost its grip on me;
For I am His and He is mine—
Bought with the precious blood of Christ.”
Today’s post might be a short theology lesson, but the next time you sing “In Christ Alone,” be reminded of why Solus Christus is an anthem to our faith. The words, “Sin’s curse has lost its grip on me, for I am His and He is mine, Bought with the precious blood of Christ” is more than someone paying it forward in the drive-through. It was the only payment necessary for our sin and why we worship Jesus Christ and Him alone.
Meet the Author!
Kelly King is the Women’s Ministry Specialist for LifeWay Christian Resources. Previously she served as the Women’s Missions and Ministries Specialist for the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma, taught adjunct courses as Oklahoma Baptist University, and served as the Women’s Ministry Director at Council Road Baptist Church in Bethany, Oklahoma.