Embracing Your Season


I just finished addressing my daughter's graduation announcements and am packing for her senior trip. Forty-six years of life has made me intimately aware of the seasons of life and how quickly they pass. At first, I found myself wishing seasons away, either because I didn’t have the emotional bandwidth to feel the feels, or I didn’t have the time to stop and be present. Thankfully, somewhere along the way, I realized I was wishing away precious time I could never get back. And more importantly, precious moments with the Lord. 

I’ve come to realize that the figurative seasons of our lives often parallel with literal ones, leaving permanent changes on our hearts, if we choose to lean in and pay attention. 


Just like in our calendar year, some seasons are filled with a spirit of celebration: births, graduations, new jobs, answered prayers, milestones, weddings. Instead of busily looking to the “next thing” or guarding my heart against potential, future sadness, I try to intentionally stop and allow myself to soak in the joy and beauty found in a season of celebration. Joy is a gift from God, big moments matter and our people need to be celebrated. 


Like the current cultural tension around the coronavirus, some seasons are full of uncertainty, fear and anxiety. In this world, we will have times of  trouble, but we serve a God who has overcome, and these times will pass. When fearful thoughts try to take control of my mind and choke out peace and hope, the only thing that helps calm my mind is to face what I’m fearing and look at it in light of God’s promises. There are actual things in this life to be afraid of, but I don’t have to live in fear. God’s word stabilizes me and reminds me that this world isn’t heaven (my true home), helping me hang onto hope through anxious times. 


In the Christian calendar, we are in the middle of Lent, a season of sacrifice and reflection. Likewise, some life seasons position us for slowing down, stillness and reflection. My temperament is not the best at slowing down and feeling things, I’d rather move forward and do something. However, intentionally taking time to pause and reflect, journal and pray, has been a sweet way to mark moments and allow myself to reflect on all that God has done. Reflection and remembering are powerful gifts from the Lord. Reflection uncovers thoughts, praises, anxieties and sin, helping me to align my heart with the Lord, while remembering helps me to recall God’s absolute faithfulness. 


In our years on this earth, we will cycle through seasons of longing. Allowing myself to name what I’m longing for, then give it to the Lord has kept bitterness and discouragement from taking root. Longing isn’t wrong, but if it’s misplaced or out of proportion, it will steal what the Lord has for us today. Once again, as in times of trouble, earthly longing makes us long for heaven, and letting go helps us to embrace the right now. 

Reading through the Old Testament, I’ve noticed these seasons in the lives of God’s people, each serving to bring them to the Lord, even if closeness came after a season of distance from Him.  Celebration and trials created joy and dependence on God. Reflection and longing unveiled the hope of heaven and the meditation of God’s faithfulness. 

Whatever season you find yourself in today, can you see God there? In the hard times, let Him be your hope; in the joyful seasons, let Him fill your heart with gratitude. 

In this time of cultural uncertainty, we at Council Road Women are praying for our nation, community and you, our readers. Please reach out to us if fear and anxiety have a grip on your heart. We have counselors we can recommend and doctors we look to for health and safety guidelines. You can connect with us through our blog (www.councilroadwomen.org), our Council Road Women Facebook and Instagram accounts, or by emailing our Women’s Ministry Director at banks@councilroad.org. Above all, call out to the Lord in your time of trouble—He is a refuge for you and He alone can save.


Meet the Author!

Heather McAnear is a wife, mom, author and speaker with a passion for sharing God's truth to help women understand their uniquely beautiful design and how to use it for God's glory! In fact, Heather hosts the Uniquely Beautiful Stories podcast on iTunes in hopes do just that! She loves teaching young married couples with her husband, homeschooling their three children, traveling the world, enjoying good chocolate and long conversations in coffee shops. CRBC has been her church home for two decades and she is thrilled to be part of the Women's Ministry team, helping women connect with each other and grow in their walk with Jesus!